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2 reviews
0 helpful votes

Horrible service
September 30, 2020

Wish I could give this dealership no stars. First I took my car in Aug 13 2020, due to my warning light on my car stating that my engine was over heating. I set there for over five hours for them to tell me nothing was wrong they checked everything and didn't see a issue. As soon as I leave the light comes on again. I called and made another appointment but this time I requested a loaner vehicle because I didn't want to spend another day waiting in the dealership. So I was given a date of Aug 31,2020 to come in. I was told that they are behind on loaners and wouldn't have one available until then. Now Sept 2,2020 "we have fixed the problem you can pick up your vehicle it was your thermostat that needed to be changed." That total $934.44. After paying for the service I noticed a smell coming from my car a coolant small to be exact. I said maybe it's just something burning off from them doing the work I'll give it time. I waited 2 weeks to see if anything changed and the smell got worst! So on sept 25 I dropped the car off in hopes they will fixed whatever mistake that was made while fixing my car. Unfortunately not I still have the same smell in my car. Sept 28 I get a notification that my car was used on the toll road twice a couple hours after I dropped it off. The same day I get another notification from my drive safe and save odometer in my vehicle provided by my insurance company that they couldn't get a read on my miles because my phone wasn't in the car but it can tell my car was moving. I called my insurance company to get the last reading of my miles. When I picked up my car it had an extra 682 miles added from the day I dropped it off to me picking my car up. When I went in to speak with Bill Hans the service manager he give me several excuses to why my car was driven on the toll road and said " That is the route we take to a do a quality control check" I told him this never happened before and before speaking to him another employee told me that they only go 1or 2 miles to do a check and if anything further is needed they will contact the customer. I never received a call. It's said because I've been doing business with them for 7 years and now I have to stop because they manger of this location can't take responsibility of his employees actions. I will proceed further.

Date of experience: September 30, 2020