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2 reviews
15 helpful votes

December 11, 2019

I ordered the ring and paid $23 expedited shipping. It stated it would arrive within 2-4 business days. I ordered it 7 days previous (5 business days). My anniversary was the day after it was advertised to arrive. I was to leave out of town the day after the last day the ring was to be delivered. It did not arrive and I didn't have the ring for my special anniversary dinner I had planned to give it to my wife. Needless to say, I was very disappointed and would NEVER have ordered that ring from Italo had I known the ring would be delivered late.

I emailed back and forth with TERESA from Italo Jewelers and she was not helpful in any way. She said " sorry it was late" but there was nothing else she could do. I didn't ask for a refund for the ring, but a refund for the $23 expedited shipping costs. She basically gave me the run around, and would not give me contact info for her supervisor.

I called "customer service" and got "Sandy". She was clueless and was very hard to understand. When I asked to speak to her Supervisor she said no one was available till tomorrow. I pressed her further and eventually someone miraculously was available. She then huffed and set the phone down. Literally 5 minutes later she again said no one was available and would not give me a name of a Supervisor or the Owner. After I pressed her for a few minutes to get some kind of result, a guy came on the phone named RICHARD. I began to explain the entire situation to him and he cut me off saying he heard everything and there was nothing he could do (I assume he was there the whole time, and was to chicken to take over until I demanded to speak to someone).

I then asked why he wouldn't refund the shipping costs. His response was "You do not qualify for a refund". When I asked what did qualify for a refund, he said "late delivery". I said..."well, my delivery was late". He said "it was only 1 day late and it is not important"... HAHAHA, WELL IT WAS IMPORTANT TO ME! So Richard admitted it was late and that lateness of delivery qualified for a refund of shipping costs, but that I did not qualify for a refund... WAIT, WHAT? Anyway, after going round and round with this inept "supervisor" he basically told me I was screwed, he didn't care, it was not important and he hung up on me...

Also, when I asked him if he owned the company, he said no and that he would be the last person I spoke to. I asked him what the owners name was and he reluctantly said what sounded like "Ree"... when I asked him to spell it, he said he didn't know how to spell his owners name. Eventually he hung up on me.

After reading that jewels fall out of the rings quickly and that getting any btype of refund is a nightmare, I fell like I have been scammed.


Date of experience: December 11, 2019