I am writing a honest review for both I love your accent and datebritishguys websites. Fake accounts on both websites. They send fake accounts to hotlist me on datebritishguys website and when I finally upgraded my membership so I can send and read messages to my matches. No one reply back to me. This is disgusting! Stay far away from datebritishguys and I love your accent websites because they operated in a same shady way. I am surprised there are no bad reviews on the internet about datebritishguys.com. I found an exact profile member on both iloveyouraccent and datebritishguys and this member happened to hotlist me on datebritishguy first. But also send messages to me first on iloveyouraccent, I was hesitant to upgrade my membership. But since I happen to like this member's profile good enough and he found me on both websites I decided to upgrade my membership. But after I upgraded my membership on iloveyouraccent and replied his messages there, he didn't reply or even open my message on iloveyouraccent at all! And of course to verify how awful is datebritishguys website also, I went ahead and upgraded my membership on datebritishguys website and sent a message to this exact member, twice in different days because he is on both websites. And of course no response or reply. I even sent messages to other members on datebritishguys who sent me messages and hotlist me before. NO reply at all! So I basically wasted $35 and $20 on both websites to prove that these two websites are there for lurking people's money. But I am glad I can test these two websites out and take my time to write my honest review so no other people can get scammed by these two awful greedy shameful websites. If my $55 dollars can help other people from troubles, I am more than happy to do that. Remember! Even the datebritishguys website has only a few bad reviews on the internet, and seems more organized and legitimate. It's an equally BAD website with fakes accounts to grab your money only! Don't let these websites fool you! I believed at one point these so called fake accounts might be real but they quickly deleted their accounts on both websites after they learned there are only a few real members on these websites but these dishonest websites keep their profile pictures and use different emails by their staffs to lurk people to pay membership to message these members or use these recreated fake accounts to send out messages to potential new users on both of these websites to scam people's money! Stay far far away and don't ever register on any of these two websites. Datebritishguy and iloveyouraccent are SHADY companies!