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SandDab D.
147 reviews
108 helpful votes

Washington Knew!!!
June 9, 2016

The owner of this Information Website has done an excellent job of Laying Out The Conspiracy. Particularly strong information organization - where to start and 'top ten' lists for quick mental comparisons, like symbols, people, NGOs. Pattern recognition helps one wake more than any other technique. In addition, several 'key' books are included for special download and there's info on 'joining the Illluminati.'

1. Proof of a Conspiracy
2. Secret School of Wisdom
3. Short history of the Illuminati, in comic form.
4. History of Jacobinism (available all over for free)
5. hard-hitting articles

* The most important item on the website is perhaps a correspondence between Washington and Snyder regarding,'The Society of Freemasons,' an 'organization' different from Washington's American Masons. 'Hidden Hand' pictures taken before and after The Revolution indicate the existence of US Masonry long before 1776 - clearly practiced by the many presidents that preceded Washington.

Snyder to Washington chat:
"which gives a full Account of a Society of Freemasons, that distinguishes itself by the Name of Illuminati, whose Plan is to overturn all Government and all Religion, even natural; and who endeavour to eradicate every Idea of a Supreme Being, and distinguish Man from Beast by his Shape only."

The whole conversation is at this link and appears TO PROVE that the original American Masons were SUBVERTED. Subversion of European Masonry under FRANKISM is 1717 and Subversion of American Masonry in 1818 - the same year Mary Shelley released 'Frankenstein and the same year Karl Marx was born - the eventual Frankist puppet of Rome.

-Good example of a source that DOES NOT DISMISS God while unveiling truth. On Kennedy, the site appears unaware that some are saying that the 11/22/63 event was one of their best hoaxes - but offers up some good information on the event just the same.

Nesta Webster book from 1921:

Date of experience: May 31, 2016