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Why I like ikeymonitor
July 19, 2023

I like Ikeymonitor be ause I can keep up with what my children are And what websites are getting on it helps me to monitor them the way that I want to monitor them. Have a 9 year old daughter a 14 year old daughter and a 19 year old son and I like to keep app with my children as much as I can because with saying way things are these days keeping app with them and knowing what websites they're on and it's not to be nosy or to pry into the business it's because I'm a concern parent with the way things go these days in the world and it's gives me The peace of mind and the satisfaction just knowing that they are okay the GPS on it is on point it is very accurate it shows me where they are At all times the recording the phone calls I would have to say is one of my favorite parts of ikea monitor because I know exactly what's being said in the conversation so if anything bad or wrong it said then I can always just go back and listen to the phone call that my child had with whoever it was that they had the phone call with But I would have to say that the the recording the live surroundings and taking thelete photos I would have to say is 2 of my favorite absolute favorite things about I can monitor I can monitor gives anyone the peace of mind so if anybody wants to monitor their child or a unfaithful spouse or whatever the case might be I always tell them to download IKEA monitor the price in is not bad at all me as a struggling single mom of 3 children and having To hide from my abusive ex and relocate and frequently he tried to Kill me 2 times this year so it also gives my children peace of mind to know where I am and to know that they can locate me anytime and here do you think it's going on at any time around me at the particular timeWe have to relocate frequently it's a struggle but the price in is absolutely wonderfulBut as a struggling thing of mom and running from an x that's a very abusive it's kind of hard to make ends meet in pay rent and have to pay for instant family to allow you to stay there with your children because he finds me So I honestly try to get as many free days as I can on each application this is my third time getting this I keep monitor downloaded and it's just I'm struggling and I appreciate everything I can monitor has done just give me a sense of mind for myself and my children and my family I would recommend achievements search anybody anytime anywhere it is absolutely the most amazing thing that I've ever come across Online thank you guys very much and I appreciate everything you do for me by giving the free days because it really does help me thank you very much

Date of experience: July 18, 2023