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1 review
2 helpful votes

Still waiting to get fingerprinted
November 9, 2022

I have to use Indentgo for the Board of Nursing in Texas. Unfortunately, I am so dissatisfied with this place. First off my appointment was at 11 am and I came into a waiting room full of people and no seats left to sit in. I wasn't called in until an hour later. After taking my fingerprints and paying for the service the system crashes. The girl that is helping me lets me know what has happened and tells me we have to do the process again. Ok, that's no problem as the fingerprinting is fairly quick. As we try fingerprinting the second time there is now an error with my profile and she is unable to finish the transaction. She gets on the phone with IT and after waiting a whole other hour they tell me they cannot fix it and they've handed the issue to their financial department and it could take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour or more to get resolved. So pretty much wasted 2 hours and a half to get nothing done and asked to come back the next day. I return the next day as a walk-in and they immediately take me in. As I am waiting in the room for someone to get started with the fingerprints the same girl that had seen me the day before tells me that she's on the phone with customer service. I was puzzled as I thought the issue would have been resolved as I was asked to come back. After waiting an hour and a half the girl tells me she's been trying to get a hold of someone and no one is answering and that she will call me once the issue is resolved. At this point I am furious I have wasted hours of my time and gas, it takes me 30 minutes to get to the place and 30 minutes to return home. Now I am uncertain of how long this will take or what will happen if there is nothing they can do to fix it. I am not complaining about the staff at the location as they are helpful somewhat and I can tell they feel bad for what is happening with me however, their IT and customer service is awful! This situation should be resolved by now. People can't be waiting to get their fingerprints done which are needed for their education and jobs plus waiting weeks to receive their background check letter. Unless you have no choice but to use Indentogo I would go elsewhere. After all this back and forth you would think they would offer me a discount or a free service for the inconvenience but nothing.

Date of experience: November 9, 2022