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1 review
3 helpful votes

HULU's false advertisment...
March 30, 2016

I signed up for HULU because their website shows you can stream all of their content now seamlessly onto PS#, and they now have the first 2 episodes of the Americans, Season 4. I subscribe and all they have is clips of the show on PS#. I read online that you must use your computer for a lot of Network shows (i. E. It is not at all seamless.) I take my PC down and set it up to the TV to watch it, log on, and it says that in order to watch The Americans I have to authenticate with the Network I am a paid subscriber. (I am thinking paid subscriber to HULU.) I go to authenticate and it is asking me what cable provider I have. If HULU's website said they were offering seamless integration on SOME of their shows onto PS3 AND they have the first two episodes of The Americans, ONLY on computer, and ONLY if you already have a cable subscription where you could already have watched it I would not have subscribed. Of course, they directly lie and say sign up today to watch the new episodes seamlessly on the PS#. BLATANT false advertising. A large amount of the shows I wanted to watch, that were supposed to be available, all I can see is a summary of the show and watch a few clips. What a RIPOFF! Also not a very good way to get repeat business. I have had PRIME and NETFLIX, and neither advertise shows that need a separate subscription, like needing Showtime to watch HOMELAND on PRIME. It is very obvious before you subscribe that is an extra paid service that does not come with the subscription. It is totally JERK move on HULU's part.

NOTE: I just noticed, and posted below, that there is a little bitty square at the top of the episodes it says are available for streaming that, if you hover over the square, a pop-up comes up saying the show really isn't available unless you have a paid subscription to another service. That might be some technically way they can trick consumers and not get sued, but it is still DESPICABLE. Why would I hover over little squares on an advertisement for these shows being available on HULU. It is an advertisement. I took it at face value-there is no fine print. I did not know I had to dig for Easter Eggs to learn the whole page is a PURPOSELY deceptive trick to get people to subscribe.

Date of experience: March 30, 2016