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1 review
8 helpful votes

Scam company
May 5, 2018

Scam company. It treats their customers like a garbage.
On May 1st in the evening I ordered a VPS.
In the morning on May 3d I got a service suspention notification. Reason: "Hosting Child Porn". But I didn't hosted any porn on my server! Then began a fully stupid and futile conversation with support and abuse department. All my afforts to prove my innocence ended in failure. Support could do nothing and always refered to abuse deparment. I sent three letters to the abuse department:
3 May evening. Me: explain to me suspension reason. Abuse department: ignored my message.
4 May morning. Me: request for fully abuse report. Abuse department: fake and inadequate response. (see below).
4 May. Me: this porn site is not on IP of my server. Provide me with full abuse report. Abuse department: ignored my message.
Today 5May, server is still banned. Abuse department doesn't respond.

The most wonderful was the answer of the abuse department. THE FIRST: they just threw me a link to some porn site and they said that this site had the IP adress of my server. But it is not true. This site is hosted at another IP, not on my server! THE SECOND: they noted that the abuse report was sent before 30-4-2018. But on 30 April my server didn't exist yet! I ordered it on the 1 of May in the evening. It's really incomprehensible.

My conclusion: anytime this hoster can just rip-off you and you loose your money and data. They don't care about their reputation.


VPS info: https://ibb.co/mXipTn
Conversation with support (ticket AE******): https://ibb.co/d7m1r7
Conversation with support (ticket AY******): https://ibb.co/bT5EuS
Email correspondence: https://ibb.co/g07cES
Email correspondence in *. Eml format: https://disk.yandex.com/d/wSXfTht63VNMR2 (can be opened using Thunderbird).

Date of experience: May 5, 2018