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North Carolina
1 review
0 helpful votes

Horrible company, even worse customer service
July 31, 2019

Ordered a underseat sub and box combo for my F250 and was stated underseat... first off I ordered it May 8th. Package was supposedly delivered on May 17th while I was at work thru UPS. So I check my porch camera... UPS driver walks up to my porch, looks around but never leaves package. So i contact customer service and tell them. They inform me to contact UPS to find my package. UPS shows in their system that the original order was processed as "Package pickup from customer for Return Shipping." First mistake by the company. They then proceed to have me put UPS through a lost package investigation which takes 8 to 10 business days to do. UPS calls me on day 9 to inform me that they couldn't find my package even though it was put into their system incorrectly and that they would pay Hifi for the item. So I contact Hifi again and explain what UPS told me... they then proceed to tell me they have to investigate as well and it will take 7 to 14 business days to complete. Another mistake. Now here its beginning of June, I have no package and have gotten to play the waiting game almost a month. I get an email from Hifi stating that I have to wait for UPS to return my package and be checked back into their warehouse... what? Even after all that I've explained to them. So now I'm highly upset because for one, their customer service sucks, they only want to communicate through email and take forever to reply. So I finally had a customer service person call me in regards to my issue and wanted me to buy another sub and box combo which already cost me 400 to begin with, so now that would be 800 this company would have of my money and potentially the same issue happening to the 2nd package. So this guy says I have to wait for UPS payment to them to finish processing before they can send me a replacement... that takes another week. Finally they call and process my replacement and tell me itll be delivered in 3 to 5 business days... later that evening i get an email that the product is out of stock and i have to wait until it becomes available again... there goes another week. So i finally get another customer service rep to call and he offered me a refund of 50 dollars. That has been processing for almost a month and a half now and its August 1st. It's always something with this company... never will I order from them again.

Date of experience: July 31, 2019