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1 review
2 helpful votes

Never again
September 29, 2023

Leaving a review is not something I typically do. I have now sent multiple emails since my flowers were ordered due to the issues. I can say they resolved shipping but the flowers were NOT "dispatched" in 7 days. When I requested an update they were finally shipped. The dried flowers were shipped in a standard box with paper packing. If in the US… just don't. No extra care was taken for international shipping. No bubble wrap or labeling of the item being fragile, which they are. I expected some fall out, but did not expect the type of packing and amount of fall out from the flowers in the box. (I did not mention this to support as it was not my main issue and I am blaming myself for ordering internationally). I ordered "burnt orange and cream" bouquets, hair comb, cake flowers, and boutonnières totaling around $200. The ONLY thing burnt orange in the product were a few tiny stems. Every other flower was pale yellow and neon orange. Something you would have for a spring wedding, not an October one. Based on the website description, I expected different flowers based on what was available, but NOT DIFFERENT COLORS. I am not sure how neon orange and pale yellow are the main flowers in a "burnt orange bouquet". Needless to say I just spent hours along with purchasing my own actual burnt orange flowers fixing what I already paid $200 for. There are strips of green duct tape (likely an insanely strong floral tape) throughout/wrapped between all layers of the bouquets. It cannot be pulled apart if you need to fix it without damaging all the dried flowers, just am FYI. The cake flowers are unusable. They completely fell apart in the box and are not appropriate flowers for a wedding cake. There was one neon orange flower and the rest completely shed and are unable to be salvaged. I also bought new flowers for that. I was offered 25% refund on the $20 hair comb. (Please note, now that I have the flowers there is no time to send them back to have anything corrected before the wedding.)

Takeaways: Do not order if you are in the US, quality cannot be guaranteed with the packing. The colors you see on the website may not be what you get. Make your own this did not make my life any easier.

They also blocked me after leaving a review and cannot call you if international to discuss resolution. Buyer beware.

Date of experience: September 29, 2023