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2 reviews
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Garbage Healthcare? Or non existent?
February 16, 2024

I enrolled because I saw the ad on YouTube and celebs like Steve Harvey and others talking about how great this gov healthcare is. Yet, when I enrolled over the phone in around September 2023, everytime I called to get more info or find out who my provider is, they tell me that the last person didn't enroll me right or they gave me a premium with a high deductible so they had to Re-enroll me or switch insurance companies with better deductible. The re-enrolling happened about 10 times. And the switching insurance companies at least 3 times. First one was Blue-something. Second was AmBetter Sunshine Health and third is Aetna. I have Never been more confused and frustrated in all my life! Last week in Feb 2024, I was sick and had to call out of work and I couldn't even go to a doctor because I was in between insurance companies. I called Marketplace to find out what's going on and also to get my 1095-A tax form and talked to 2 different agents and they both weren't very helpful. The woman was really annoyed by me but it's crazy because I'm not the one making all these changes. And I even told her that I've never had healthcare before so I was clueless about how these things work.
I'm even more annoyed that my tax return got rejected by the IRS because I didn't file the healthcare tax form and I put in that I had no healthcare because it's true. I got No healthcare during the year 2023. The IRS agent told me that Marketplace can send a letter stating that I wasn't actually covered or I couldn't use the healthcare for the year of 2023 but Marketplace is insisting that I WAS covered and that I gave permission to an agent or broker to enroll me. But what good is it for me to be "Covered" or give my permission to on something that I never had access to? And every time I tried to find out how to use it, they would make more changes so nothing was solid. Or consistent. And half the time when I call it's a hit and miss. Like if I'm speaking to a real American person and NOT someone from India or wherever faking an American accent. Or someone from Asia who can barely speak English that's great! But the trouble is when I call a lot of places and I can barely communicate with the agent because of their thick accent or broken English. I'm gonna try to use this Aetna as much as I can but if I get little to nothing out of this, I'm never applying for gov healthcare ever again. The whole thing is honestly just BS if you ask me. Hopefully I'm just mistaken and I'm able to figure it out or find someone who understands gov healthcare and how it works. But if not, It's really not worth the trouble.

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Date of experience: February 16, 2024