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Store managers yells F word at customer; Corporate office condones and supports unlawful acts
October 17, 2023

This is the truth. Of course the police report is riddled with lies. My then 86 year old father was witness to the events. The cashier of the Grants Pass OR store refused to allow us to purchase a 4" rigid polyurethane castor via rain check. He then contacted the manager who was at the back of the store via phone. During the conversation I was told to get out of line and the store manager would assist in locating the item. But I interjected and said I know where the item is kept as I purchased two of the exact same item in the prior two weeks, saw it was out of stock four days prior and again out of stock that day. I was told that the item would be at the floor level and I instantly corrected that by saying it would be about 3 feet off from the floor (actually 4 feet but not at the floor level). And so we got out of line and the store manager was looking at the floor level, obviously he didn't know where they were suppose to be as well as myself as I was attuned to it based on my earlier statement. I went to the shelving area and pointed out that there were none left. He got mad and decided to play a pernicious delaying game as he knew my dad and I were planning to get to another store. He'd act like he'd check "in the back" but I knew almost for certain the item would not be anywhere else in that type of store and for four days being out of stock there was ample time to replenish the stock had there been any. I gave him the benefit of the doubt anyway but he kept his game going on for way too long, frustrating both my dad and myself. So I told him I was going to report him. He told me he can't be reported! As if he's too big, as a store manager that he cannot be reported? Obviously I was going to do it to the corporate office and once I told him that, he yelled the single word, F**K! I then in professional wording told him no store manager can get away with that and said a few more things like it's not a good policy to do so and that's when he abused the 911 system by having an employee call 911 on account that his ego was hurt. I was doing nothing wrong by responding to his outrageous yelling of the most heinous word in the English language. Well, two cops showed up and I said immediately that the manager yelled the F word at me but that didn't alter his bunk thinking. He proceeded in a ridiculous accusations that I was on drugs and then on alcohol. Apparently the huge beard I had, in profiling me, he ran with his fanatical whims of who I am. And without being told of anything I did wrong, he said "OK, I had enough, you're being detained" and while he was still talking he grabbed me and put handcuffs on me. There was more physical abuse right after and then I was put into jail of all places! For telling a store manager that he shouldn't yell the F word at me, a customer! In jail, for over 15 hours, I was denied water, bedding, a blanket, medical attention for dehydration, and more. I discovered from the police report, the joke of one that I had to make an 8 page supplemental to it since it was riddled with lies, both form the police officer and the store manager. The store manager LIED to police which is unlawful, properly termed FALSE REPORT. I apprised the Harbor Freight Corporation of this but they do not care. There is corruption with the police, sheriff department, and those in charge of the city and county government here but that's another issue, one that I aim to expose and I saw plenty of it thus far in regards to this case.

How can anyone go to a Harbor Freight store when their employees are so horrible and the corporate office not only condoning but also supporting unlawful behavior? It's a scary proposition. I am boycotting it, and my parents are doing the same. They lost loyal customers.

I suggest everyone boycotts Harbor Freight until they make this right.

Tip for consumers:


Products used:

We returned the two castors we purchased in July. I planned on constructing a composter with four of them for my father but being the company chooses to support unethical and unlawful activities by its employees I said I will not use any of their items.

Date of experience: October 17, 2023