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New York
1 review
8 helpful votes

Quality Declined
February 25, 2023

I've been using HairVivi since 2018. My first wig from them costed $240 160% density. Today, this same wig is listen on their website for $500 at 180% density! This is a HUGE increase in price for essentially NOTHING, meanwhile quality has significantly decreased. My wigs from 2018/2019 would last me 4-5 months before I felt like I needed a replacement. They now last 2 months at most. As someone that has been supporting this company for years, Im nothing short of disappointed. I mean, even processing and shipping have declined. Ive ordered the wig I have now multiple times, and for some reason, the way this one is constructed the buckle of the band is CUTTING into my scalp. This wig was extremely uncomfortable and actually hurt to wear. Hairvivi's wigs have always been priced higher than average and I had no issue paying $240 for what we were previously receiving, but I have a big issue with paying almost double, AND receiving worse hair. The hair never used to tangle/ matte to this extent in the back. The texture feels different and I know for a FACT that this is NOT the same lace they used to use. This is a thicker more 'durable' lace to withstand the 'fake scalp' because after about 3 installs the fake scalp needs to come off… and you need to cover the lace where the fake scalp was with the scar tape they provide. You get less than 10 strips with your order. Its nice they threw the scar tape in with the order but it is an added gift/ expense that no one asked for. I would much rather go back to the way things were when all you got was your wig in a bag, a cap, & some clips if it meant the time, effort, & money could be spent on the actual construction of the wig. It seems like we are paying an additional $200 for Hairvivi to market themselves as a 'luxury' brand. Their wigs come in these thick beautiful embroidered boxes. Ive quite honestly never received such a beautiful box for an order I purchased online from any site. Which is nice to receive, but again, an unnecessary added expense they'll justify charging as being a part of their luxury brand experience. You get a couple of combs, 2 clips, a foam curling rod, the wig scar tape, thick eyelashes you'll never wear, & a few other random essentially knick knacks in my opinion. Their website and overall branding has completely upgraded, which is amazing and Im glad they're doing well enough as a company to do these things, but they are affording everything by ripping us off & it's not okay. Their sales get to increase because they pay these influencers to lie about how great their wigs are and open these beautiful boxes on camera.They make a small investment on these little things and get to charge us an additional $200. I had taken a break from ordering from Hairvivi because I found it extremely difficult to continue paying this amount for pretty standard/ average quality wigs. I needed a wig for an event and I didn't have time or want to have to bleach the knots, etc. so I decided to give Hairvivi another go. I do believe the hair & lace looks great the first week (despite the knots being over-processed and the brass color not being fixed for again FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS). After that, you're on your own. I could buy an average wig from anywhere and over-bleach the knots myself at home for less than $200 so it goes without saying, that I will no longer be purchasing from them, and I imagine many of their longstanding customers feel the same as well.

Tip for consumers:

- Skip Hairvivi
- Do your research & shop around
- Learn how to customize your own wigs so you aren’t at the mercy of these companies

- If you do choose to order with them then always use a coupon code. They’re constantly being offered so just wait a little if you can because it can save you anywhere between $30- $50

Date of experience: February 25, 2023