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Horrible customer service
August 25, 2023

Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Horrible customer service

Pistol sold & shipped by a 'fulfillment dealer' of Guns.com so all Guns.com did was get my money & had no other involvement in the transaction. This was my first purchase from Guns.com. The pistol (S&W 5906) arrived in the completely wrong box, the box was for a S&W M&P 40 with the label on the side of the box having the serial number, SKU, etc clearly denoting a M&P 40. The sale page for the 5906 on the Guns.com site that listed multiple pictures of the pistol, including one of it laying in the open blue plastic S&W box, had no statement at all regarding this pistol being sold with the wrong box. The pic of it laying within the open box lead the customer to believe that the box shown was in fact assigned to the pistol being sold. There was also no statement in any of the verbiage of the ad that the pistol would arrive in the incorrect box. This discrepancy was noticed by me at my receiving FFL. The manual & sealed fired cartridge was also for a M&P 40, nothing for the 5906. I took delivery, mistakenly assuming that Guns.com would assist me in locating the assigned 5906 box & swap out this incorrect box for the proper one. I began calling Guns.cm the next morning, alerting the customer service agent of the issue. He assured me that this unusual mistake would be quickly addressed & rectified by the Guns.com customer care team. After not hearing back from anyone at the customer care team for 2 days, I again called to inquire as to the status of my issue. This began a cycle of over a week of repeated phone calls by me & assurances by Guns.com that the issue would be resolved, but no resolution was ever produced. I finally asked for a supervisor (Garrett) who in short, gave me nothing but excuses & a song & dance about how this really was not their responsibility & even had the audacity to proclaim that there was no statement within the original sale ad that the customer was in fact going to receive that actual box assigned to any given pistol & he inferred that my expectation that I would receive the assigned box was unreasonable. In the end, there was nothing that he could do for me other than let the customer care team take my complaint in the order that it was received & he had no idea when they might get to my issue. God forbid he undertake my repeated requests that he simply put me on hold, call the dealer that had possession of the 5906 & sent it to me & see if he could resolve the issue right then & there, oh no...that was clearly too great of a task for him to accomplish. Seriously? What a joke this guy is as a supervisor & what a joke the people that are tasked with assisting the Guns.com customers are. I spent almost a thousand dollars on a used gun that Guns.com no doubt made a substantial profit on & the only customer service that I received, for a problem that they were responsible for as the selling representative, was crap. I'll never spend another dime with Guns.com & have told all of my shooting league members & other shooting buddies about the horrible customer service I received. As of 8/25/23, no contact ever received from the Guns.com 'customer care team' & I don't expect that I ever will hear from them. Good job, Guns.com, on losing a customer after a single transaction.

Date of experience: August 25, 2023