1 review for GuideStar is not recommended
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New York
1 review
1 helpful vote

Qualifed 501c3 Charitable Organization Donate to UnitedHouseOfStrength.com
February 17, 2022

Notably, there are complaints and reviews here regarding giving. We have listed with this site before but have to keep signing up. Please consider donating to UnitedHouseofStrength.com for a Community Intiative helping those who have fallen on hard times with food, clothes, and other resources if you will.
Contact us at UnitedHouseOfStrength.com :)

Tip for consumers:

Just Donate to us and confirm United House of Strength Inc Tax ID Number on Guidstar we will email you a 1 day Charitable Donation Letter to an email of your choice.

Date of experience: February 17, 2022