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New Jersey
1 review
2 helpful votes

I have been ordering from Ideeli for almost a year...
July 13, 2011

I have been ordering from Ideeli for almost a year now and generally had a good experience. I've always loved the stuff I've ordered, returns have been fairly easy, etc. The first thing that made me go "WTF?" was when they emailed me and said that a pair of jeans I had ordered from them could not be obtained, yet they proceeded to put those same jeans in the same size up for sale twice after telling me that. I didn't want to try to reorder them. Regardless, up until last month, I was a satisfied customer of theirs. So much so that when I saw the Ravon convertible dress sale, I encouraged my best friend who is getting married this summer to consider those dresses as bridesmaid dresses for us since we were less than two months to her wedding and didn't have our dresses figured out yet. She agreed, so we all ordered our dresses on the same day (6/8) and they were to ship before 6/30. Well, on the 1st of July, mine finally shipped. One of the other girls had gotten hers the week prior. About a week passed from that, and my best friend was starting to wonder where the other two girls' dresses were. She contacted Ideeli on live chat, and they essentially told her something like, there are no more, we can't get them, and definitely not before the 30th (her wedding date). She was SO upset and she was freaking out about what we were supposed to do for bridesmaid dresses for two of her bridesmaids now. So I got on Ideeli's Facebook page, thinking I could ask them on there and they could give me some insight as to how this could happen. I saw that they quickly responded to all things posted on their wall. Turns out, they responded to everyone else's inane and pointless posts but never addressed my question to them, which I found ridiculous. So basically, we had to find two other dresses, that will not match as well, for the other two bridesmaids. Now I'm wishing that I would not have suggested Ideeli in the first place, since placing an order with them apparently means you may or may not get your item, which is unacceptable when it's something as important as a bridesmaid dress. Oh, and I saw on their Facebook page that they're having another Ravon sale later this month (I thought there were no more Ravon dresses left?). So that's cute. Based on the above, I'm not planning on buying from Ideeli anytime in the near future.

Date of experience: July 13, 2011