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1 review
0 helpful votes

Problem with membership being cancelled
October 28, 2021

I've had a membership, paying on a monthly recurrence. And 3 days before my next renewal, I had to pay again to make my next order purchase. I had payed from a card not usually conected with my account. And a week later, after 3 more attempts from Walmart to try to charge my other card that is conected, they then cancelled my membership saying I needed to pay another 12.95 to reactivate my membership. After calling and trying to settle this misunderstanding. They say that they can not find where I had paid for my membership. I have all the proof I need from my bank statement that shows date and time of the purchase. First of all they want to discontinue my membership 3 days before my membership fee is even due and deactivated it a week after I paid from a different card. So if My membership fee was made on September 28th and when I placed an order on October 13 th. I had to pay another membership fee on that day, in order to have my free delivery for the following day. Then on the 20th my membership was completely cancelled. When according to my membership I should have had till the 26th of October still under my September payment. So on the 13th I pay 12.95 and they say I didnt. Then Cancelled on the 26th and now want another 12.95 for the next 30 days. More like 1-2 weeks is what I've been getting charged and always 3-4 days before my 30 days membership is over. Walmart system is royally messed up. I haven't been able to get my full refunds after they make a mistake and overcharge. Always have to call 3-4 time to get anything if anything at all resolved. Very disappointed. I use the delivery option all the time because of limited transportation and social distancing. And right now if there were a better option or better place that offers the same thing. I would most definitely change where I do my grocery purchases.

Tip for consumers:

No refunds for double charging for membership in 30 day cycle

Date of experience: October 28, 2021