This is the sh1ttiest telehealth someone could ever receive. I contact Goodrx care to get a simple refill for a topical clindamycin solution I use for my HS. IM ACTIVELY FLARING. I have already been diagnosed by a derm so I thought like any rational being would that I should just set up a consultation for prescription refill. I pad for the gold membership to get the 19.99 consult and waited for around 3 hours for a reply. After waiting all that time the nurse replied stating that they don't prescribe refills for antibiotics for HS which would only make sense if I was filling an ORAL prescription. MY REQUEST WAS FOR TOPICAL TREATMENT. I replied to the nurse and asked why. I asked or clarification hoping someone would work with me about how to best handle the situation. Instead I got ignored and was told to start general visit for consultation. I was assured by the phone rep. That I could get my fill through the general visit. I tried again on Saturday afternoon. So far now I've been charged twice for consult. I did not get reply from a nurse until 24 HOURS LATER asking me if I was told to start a consult under general visit instead of Acne treatment. HS IS LITERALLY CALLED ACNE IN VERSA and yet they cancelled my visit after I've already attempted for 36 hours to get a prescription fill. Even though I selected GENERAL VISIT, their system routed me to Acne consult and that's somehow my fault. I contacted good rx again and the rep told me she would escalate the issue to a doctor for a second look. I literally get a message from them restating that I should've done a general visit and to try again but choose a more "vague" symptom for the system to route me to right place. SYMPTOMS ARE VAGUE. That's what the f*xck a symptom is. Goodrx is hot fxcking garbage. How are you holding a customer responsible for the system YOU put in place and then keep suggesting that they get charged 3 times in a row when you could just HELP THEM. Or at least, instead of cancelling their visits after making them wait days for a reply, create a system where they can be routed to he correct place and receive treatment? It doesn't matter if the refund is coming back in 10-15 days. What if that's my last 60 dollars for the week? The complete negligence and lack of care Goodrx showed, I will never use them again. Absolutely fxcking disgusting and disrespectful. Just so y'all can get kickbacks for referrals. I hope you ROT.