I left a review a month ago and seems it was deleted. I will just keep writing it here and other places so it's seen! So, I purchased a puppy from Tracy Maglioli from 'Lux shihtzu of New England. ' I picked him up May 1st. When I got the puppy home he was eating his poop. Every time he pooped, I'd have to hurry up and get before he did. I'm sure she knew this was happening, she didn't tell me that!
He also was scratching at his ear pretty bad and I took him to the vet the next day, they said he had an ear infection. Again, she had to have known. We slowly introduced him to our 5 year old pug but after two weeks, my pug was too stressed out and didn't like the puppy.
I had messaged Tracy and told her about it and I told her I may have to give him back. She said she would take him back and told me that there are no refunds, but if he sells him, she will give me half back.
I was happy with that because the dog was $2250 and then the rediculous fees that 'good dog' charges, brought me to almost $2400, so knowing I'd get something back was nice. And keep in mind, I only had the puppy for two weeks! Two weeks!
Well fast forward a couple days after I dropped him off. She said she gave him to her cousin and will not be giving me any money back. I told her that wasn't fair, that was her choice to do that, she should still give me something.
So she basically gave her cousin a puppy that I paid for. I sent her a final text that she never answered. The next day I contacted 'Good dog' and they contacted her and then told me there is nothing they can do. That is total bull$#*!!
I understand she said no refunds but she shouldn't have told me she'd give me half back then. And who knows if she really just gave him to her cousin, that's what she says.
There aren't many nice people in this world and I did the right thing by giving her the dog back so she could find him a good home, I could have sold him and got my money back!
She could have given me something, and this app for not backing customers is wrong, too. I had the dog for two weeks and lost $2400, that is so not fair! So please don't purchase a dog from this site. Absolutely awful!