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2 reviews
2 helpful votes

Ok I paid for the Kandi 250cc buggy, around 2400was...
October 4, 2012

Ok I paid for the Kandi 250cc buggy, around 2400was the total. When it was shipped it reach the local station (if you dont have a good local station for tranisporting shippments than I would advise aginst using local; but here in my town they are fun & great to use, it was the biggest shippment by tailgate that the tailgate had to be used as a means of leaning it down to the ground). Buggy came like they said (week sooner that what they said) I live in Oklahoma where the rocks & clay claim the lands (so my location was far from them); also with that said that tells you how tuff this thing has to be to make it out here. Now I put it all together, now if you never have touched a motor with, timing, changing out parts, cvt work, (than I would advise you to check with www.kindnmeparts.com/ or www.buggypartsmw.com/ (for how to videos & instructions; study everything). Findout if its a CVT or CFM trainmission, what kind of motor, etc... with that said, the buggy came as they discribed to the "T", GRANT it, it is from CHINA so with that said, it needs to have the cheep parts change out for good, some welding when you snap the welds, but after almost a year & me driving the *******@ll out of the thing (I am 159 lbs & my wife is 98 lbs), so if you are really big I would recomend getting a 300cc & up, 250 is for the light weight individuals like myself, REMEMBER that this was made for the average china personal, americans are on the average scale of being bigger & heavier, so when you buy one of these you better know to use a wrench & not be afraid to have some welding done if you ride like me, btw keep a little paint on hand, they are really great for individuals who want to learn about their stuff rather than just use it like a car you buy & have others fix it (NOT ME! DO IT MYSELF) All in all I loved this website, I did read a bunch of bad stuff over them but yet a bunch a good stuff, remember this is not a letter being shipped by the us postal service & you are buying china made stuff that over there regulations are almost none, BUT TRY TO HAVE FUN! & WITH WHAT THIS WEBSITE DID FOR ME; WELL THEY HELPED ME KEEP HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE! GOOOOOO KANDI 250CC FS & all the models!

Date of experience: October 4, 2012
5 reviews for GoKartsUSA are not recommended