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2 reviews
1 helpful vote

Scare tactic upselling, misinformation regarding R-22, misrepresenting operating condition
May 9, 2024

BE WARY OF GOETTL AND THEIR TRAINED, FEARMONGERING AND UPSELLING TACTICS We had a Goettl technician come to our house for a free service to get me to return as a SADIE customer as I was in 2020. I have a 2005 gas pack heat pump that has been functioning normally but thought a free service would let me know critical operating information, motor amp draws, condenser and evaporator coil condition, capacitor condition etc. Well. As I was not home, he used his scare tactics training and first told my wife that the unit was low on coolant (R-22) and went on to tell her (Falsely) that R-22 was illegal and since it is low it cannot be recharged. FYI R-22 is only illegal to manufacture or import. Some AC companies have a stockpile of R-22 and the smart AC companies evacuate and save the R-22 from units being replaced. Not to mention the fact that DDX 20 and R438 A are compatible refrigerants for older R-22 units... So the saga continues when my wife told him that we had American Home Shield to replace it if it should fail... and again, his scare tactics came out and He said. Yeah but it will take them 3 weeks to get to your claim and longer to fix it and you will be too hot. He provided 6 quotes for parts to rebuild the old unit totaling over $9,000.00... just to rebuild it. He soon left and I called a reputable HVAC service contractor (D&H out of Tucson) for a second opinion. The technician that responded the next day checked out the system. Performed AMP draws on all motors, checked pressures and temperatures on the whole system, Checked the split temperatures, took off panels from the unit and checked the condition of evaporator coil and condenser coil, all electronic connections, fuse block, and checked the capacitor. The end result was the unit was functioning normally all AMP draws and temperatures and pressures were well within normal operating ranges... and we were NOT low on Refrigerant (R-22)
D&H was professional and informative, and I will be using them from now on. No Goettl for me... they can stick their REJUVINATION where the sun don't shine

Date of experience: May 9, 2024