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New York
1 review
0 helpful votes

Travel at your own risk.
June 4, 2017

I am just returning from the trip from hell with the company, Travel at it's finest, at least that is what they call themselves. They advertised a 12 day European trip from 4/30 thru 5/13 /2017 and i could not wait until the end. Had i not paid 4 grand, i would have flown home at my own expense. This company loves to share with people how they have been around 40 years, but sent us on a vacation nightmare. We had to handle our own luggage for 12 days crossing busy intersections, walking several blocks. It was aweful, Whoever heard of senior citizens, and the disabled handling their own luggage. There were dirty hotel stays, food was supposed to be included. It was cheap cold undercooked. Some places served mystery meats. The tours were disorganized. Even the European tour guide knew we got a crappy deal and she could be overheard at times discussing us with other guides. This was so embarrassing. The itinerary kept changing while we were on the trip. In fact, before i left home, it felt off that they changed the airlines at the last minute. When the trip was over, and i called them, one of them had a nerve to defend the company and blame their 3rd party, one of the tour companies, and the bus company. Oh yeah, Two busses were used to accomodate our large group. One of the busses broke down, the people missed their tour and lunch. Our bus driver refused to have our bathroom cleaned so our bus smelled like sewage. The company is dishonerable. I went on facebook on their page to share my experiences. Someone else did the same thing but from another trip: a cross country railroad trip and talked about bed bugs, poor quality hotels... now i see the pattern. The company erased my comments, and blocked me and another person from their page. Now, you can see when you google them on fb, although i cannot open it to their page, but you can see their fake rating and increased comments beside their company's name. Dont be fooled. The DC based company got lazy, took things for granted and trusted people without researching their 3rd party. Yet, they took almost 100 people overseas to subject us all to this disaster. They offered us a 300 dollars voucher towards another trip if used within a year. I will never travel with them again, poor quality services, and i cannot trust them.

Date of experience: June 4, 2017