1 review for Global-Lover is not recommended
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1 review
11 helpful votes

Rude, Liars and Fraud. Do not buy
August 8, 2016

I ordered using the 3-7 days shipping. It is been over 14 days and the item is not in my country, I emailed them before it was shipped to cancel my other but they didn't. After 17 days I chatted with the live person who refused to refund me, called my stupid and unreasonable. I should never come back... here was part of my conversation with them. 08-08 21:47:15
I was meant to get it within 3-7 business days as that was the shipping selected
Service 08-08 21:47:16
Ok, i will be check it once i got the return parcel and refund you
You 08-08 21:47:28
It is over 14 days and i do not need the dress
You 08-08 21:47:45
Please refund my money and have them send the dress back to you
Service 08-08 21:47:52
You had been choosed e packet express and take 7-10days normal but sometimes will be take 10-20days
Service 08-08 21:48:06
Ok, you can ask for return parcel
Service 08-08 21:48:16
I will refund you once i get the parcel
Service 08-08 21:48:21
Sorry for delay long time
Service 08-08 21:48:43
You can choose the DHL or UPS to USA next time which can be keep the time
You 08-08 21:48:47
It says 3-7 business days on your website, if it is going to be more than that you should have said so. THis is lying
Service 08-08 21:49:00
You may mistake, you choose E packet expreaa
Service 08-08 21:49:12
And take 3-7days can be arrived by DHL express
Service 08-08 21:49:20
Pls find it again
You 08-08 21:52:22
E parket on your website does not take over 14 days
[System message] 08-08 21:53:14
Thank you for your patient waiting! I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.
You 08-08 21:53:16
I sent you people a message before the order was shipped that if it will not arrived on wednesday the 27 of July then you should cancel my order
You 08-08 21:53:29
You did not cancel it, instead you shipped it
Service 08-08 21:53:44
But we don't know the parcels delay long time for transit
Service 08-08 21:53:58
We have to wait the parcel return and send the refund you
You 08-08 21:54:15
I do not want it and if it is not canceled, I will call my bank and report this.
You 08-08 21:54:46
I did not receive the parcel so they will follow up with you since you do not want to give me my money
You 08-08 21:55:18
I will also post everywhere on facebook and interent and youtube about your company
You 08-08 21:55:42
Let them know that you are liars and fraud and no one should buy from you
Service 08-08 21:56:08
You can be find the parcels tracking details and we still havn't get the return parcel, how can we refund it to you
You 08-08 21:56:21
Service 08-08 21:56:28
You are the actual person and you should be know the parcels still havn't get on my hand
Service 08-08 21:56:42
How can i do it refund
You 08-08 21:56:49
You shipped the item, call the company and tell them to return it to you
You 08-08 21:57:17
I did not ship it, you did so I can not return what i did not ship or receive
Service 08-08 21:57:24
You can call the local express to return as well if you don't believe, the parcels arrived at your local and we really out of control
Service 08-08 21:58:12
Then you local courier dispatch the parcels you, you should be reject it, then they will be return us
You 08-08 21:59:03
I cannot wait for that
You 08-08 21:59:14
Call them yourself and have them return it
You 08-08 21:59:56
So i have to wait another 1 month to get the item and reject then another 1 month for it to get to you and another 1 month to get my money
You 08-08 22:00:12
I dont have time to waste
You 08-08 22:00:37
I will give my bank a call and have the reverse the payment
You 08-08 22:01:24
I will also make sure to let everyone on the internet know that you people are liars and theiives and just steal people's money
Service 08-08 22:01:53
My god
Service 08-08 22:02:02
You should be unreasonable person
Service 08-08 22:02:27
So you are liars to havn't get the parcels, you should be understand clearly with the parcel send details
You 08-08 22:02:33
Oh now you are insulting me for buying from you
Service 08-08 22:02:45
And must deal with your local courier
Service 08-08 22:03:00
You can reject it if you don't need and how can i do it now
Service 08-08 22:03:16
You are the firstly person unreanable
You 08-08 22:03:33
I will take a picture of this chat and let people know how bad your customer service is
Service 08-08 22:03:50
I will be report on the internet that you sending details with the name and our sending tracking no.
You 08-08 22:04:00
You just insulted me for ordering from you and expecting my order in 7 days
Service 08-08 22:04:22
This is not our problems, the express delays, not our responsible and you are total make me angry
Service 08-08 22:04:35
Which page
You 08-08 22:04:40
Your page says 7 days and it is now almost 20 and all you can do is call me unreasonable
Service 08-08 22:04:44
Send me the click
Service 08-08 22:05:32
Sometime expected with the express and you also find the shipping details from us at that time, and we are not the courier company
You 08-08 22:06:32
Your file [Screenshot 2016-08-08 at 10. 05. 34 PM - Display 1. Png] was transferred successfully!
You 08-08 22:07:09
It says 7-10 days... it is over that
You 08-08 22:07:29
I told you to cancel my order before you shipped it but you did not
You 08-08 22:08:20
You should have put 7-20 days and not 7-10 days which is misleading and implies you are lying
Service 08-08 22:08:55
Crazy, i must back my courier about this claim from you very very stupid, and i ask for return return... but they told me that the local person reject this parcels and will be return from them
You 08-08 22:10:00
I dont understand
You 08-08 22:10:13
Who rejected the parcel?
You 08-08 22:10:47
It has not even arrived yet
You 08-08 22:10:54
What exactly are you saying?
You 08-08 22:11:19
This is the worse customer service experience EVER
You 08-08 22:11:28
I contacted you numerous times with no response
[System message] 08-08 22:12:19
Thank you for your patient waiting! I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.
[System message] 08-08 22:13:57
Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?
You 08-08 22:14:37
Your file [Just read reviews about you online.] was transferred successfully!
You 08-08 22:16:05?
[System message] 08-08 22:16:56
Thank you for your patient waiting! I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.
You 08-08 22:22:53?
[System message] 08-08 22:23:45
Thank you for your patient waiting! I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.
[System message] 08-08 22:23:56
Did not receive your message for a long time, are you still beside your computer? If you donot have anyother questions, system will end this dialog automatically.
If you have any questions, please enquire me again, have a nice day! Bye for now.
You 08-08 22:27:41
You 08-08 22:27:45
You 08-08 22:27:55
[System message] 08-08 22:28:47
Thank you for your patient waiting! I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.
You 08-08 22:29:07?
You 08-08 22:29:57?
[System message] 08-08 22:30:49
Thank you for your patient waiting! I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.
Service 08-08 22:30:58
Back now
Service 08-08 22:31:03
Send mail to me
You 08-08 22:31:04
You 08-08 22:31:11
Service 08-08 22:31:12
Service 08-08 22:31:16
What is the comments
You 08-08 22:31:27
IS this a different person?
You 08-08 22:31:36
Can you scroll up to read the conversations?
You 08-08 22:31:50
Search my history, I have sent emails in the past with NO RESPONSE
Service 08-08 22:32:30
Send me the link
You 08-08 22:32:44
Link of WHAT?
You 08-08 22:33:15
Your bad reviews? You can google it yourself
Service 08-08 22:33:36
I need the bad review
Service 08-08 22:33:41
I havn't found it
You 08-08 22:33:53
You are not working to fix this but looking for your bad reviews.
You 08-08 22:33:57
Service 08-08 22:34:24
Send me the link about your find it
You 08-08 22:36:04
And what is that going to do for my items that has not been delivered?
[System message] 08-08 22:36:57
Thank you for your patient waiting! I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.
Service 08-08 22:37:07
I had been told you that we will refund the money to your account once we get the return parcels, we still havn't get the parcel now, the return also need the time
You 08-08 22:37:48
And who will pay for the return shipping cost if I ever get it? Call your shipping people and ask the to return it to you.
Service 08-08 22:38:04
You only have small parcels and money and we don't care it
You 08-08 22:38:16
OH really?
Service 08-08 22:38:43
Paid the return fee by ourselves and we really don''t like to do with your anymore, and you can go to other supplier to buy, no problems
You 08-08 22:39:17
So you expect me to pay for the return and try to contact you again with no response and this terrible attitude.
You 08-08 22:39:25
Where is the guarantee I will get my money back

Date of experience: August 8, 2016