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1 review
2 helpful votes

Be ready for bad lenses and bad frames.
January 14, 2024

I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the service I have received. I had always been happy with my shopping experience with GlassesShop, but lately, I have been disappointed.

Firstly, I encountered quality issues and, despite numerous interactions, failed to obtain a satisfactory resolution. One pair of glasses I ordered had its lenses coatings wear off on the sides in less than 10 months. The vendor insisted that I had subjected the glasses to harsh chemicals, even though I showed them other glasses from the site that had no such issues despite being cleaned the same way. Common sense would indicate that harsh chemicals would cause spots all over the lens, but the coatings wore off only on the sides, suggesting a manufacturing defect that the vendor needs to rectify.

Additionally, I received a defective frame. While the vendor offered to replace it, this solution is inadequate. I must change the lenses manually or pay an optician to do so—a problem that could have been avoided with a thorough quality check.

I am voicing these concerns because these glasses have cost me hundreds of dollars, and I expected better quality and service. The vendor's insistence on the value of the 100 points (equivalent to $1) in my account as a significant discount on future orders costing around $200 is frankly insulting.

I have explained my issues to the vendor multiple times, but they remain unaddressed. The updates provided appear to be mere public relations exercises, lacking genuine customer care. Instead of resolving my issues, the vendor continues to place the blame on me, unlike other companies that take responsibility and action.

It is disappointing to see a lack of accountability and effective customer service, particularly when maintaining satisfied customers should be a priority.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Additional Update: I had told about poor lens quality multiple times to the vendor, and they always come back with blaming me for using harsh chemicals, and the vendor won't budge. I would have kept quiet if the glasses were free, but they cost $100+, which adds to the frustration that the vendor ignores right off the bat

Contacted vendor again on Dec 11th and right off the bat my concerns were summarily dismissed.

Tip for consumers:


Products used:

Eye frames

Date of experience: January 14, 2024