38 reviews for Gilt are not recommended
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1 review
4 helpful votes

Buyer Beware - Faudsters, Misleading and Deceptive
December 14, 2017

I have worked in the retail sector for the past 15 years and for many years studied/worked in the legal industry in Australia (including consumer law). In all my years I have never seem such deception of consumers trust as I have experienced with Gilt. With the background I have I can surely appreciate the notion of mark-ups and retailers having this as their source of gross profit; however, to have such blatant and misleading practises on this point is outside the scope of what is reasonable and fair. The consumer should be able to trust that the retailer is giving them fair value for a product and not out to rip them off

I purchased a 'Kate Spade' Branded brangle for USD $89 marked down from USD $168 on the Gilt site, only to find inside the package a hangtag with a suggested retail from the original designer was USD $58.

I sent a complaint and Gilt stated they only price match with ourselves and not competitors. This provides absolutely no accountability especially on a product that they are on-selling as a middleman. They marketed it as a Kate Spade product (which it is as the hangtag in my package shows) and as such should be held accountable to the suggested retail pricing as that is FAIR VALUE of the product they are selling Further and even more concerning they should definitely not inflate the suggested retail price to over 280% (their suggested retail of USD $168) while marketing themselves as a designer discounted company.

Please see the pictures (including hangtag) below and disregard the company'y response to this post as they are clearly attempting to weasel out of the fact they are frausters and nothing more.

This is completely disgusting behaviour from a retailer and I hope the appropriate ombusman in whatever country Gilt is registered shuts them down!

Tip for consumers:

Do reseach on the original suppliers website first.

Date of experience: December 14, 2017
38 reviews for Gilt are not recommended