1 review for Get Photo Blanket is not recommended
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1 review
12 helpful votes

January 4, 2020

This website/company needs to be shut down. I suggest we all contact our local police departments to get advice on where to start. We should all take screenshots of every comment just on the off chance they take this page down. Perhaps we could start a private group to start documenting all the claims and get advice on how to proceed with getting this fake company FROM CHINA shut down for good!
I placed an expedited order on December 3rd, 2019 for a Christmas present and it NEVER ARRIVED. The tracking information is very sketchy and the only way to contact this so called company is via email. I have received a reply saying that it is at Customs yet there is absolutely no status update on the link you click for tracking. It literally says it left China December 13th. I placed this order on a. CA website thinking I was placing an order through a Canadian website - WRONG! This is coming from China of all places and I am only hearing terrible reviews from people who have placed orders with them. If you haven't placed an order with this so called company I highly suggest you run fast - do NOT order anything from them!:-( If you go to the Facebook page for this so called company you will see that 99% of the people who have purchased from them that have proceeded to head to their Facebook page only have horrible stories to tell. They either have the same story as me that it never arrived or that it took months EVEN THOUGH THEY PAID FOR EXPEDITED SHIPPING or the quality is just plain horrific! People are reporting that the dog who is supposed to be white in the photo was in fact prinetd green on the very very very low quality crappy blanket. Also the company claims in small print they this is painted on the blanket. The pictures do not lie, these blankets are the worst of the worsrt. There is no phone number to contact anyone and very few ever receive a reply back from them. Most of us are filing disputes with our bank or credit card company as well as contacting the proper authorities.

Date of experience: January 4, 2020