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1 review
0 helpful votes

Terrible service
January 16, 2023

If you need a new phone in less than 5 months, try another company. If there was zero stars rating, I would have selected that.
I ordered an iPhone 11 Pro Max in 9/9/22. I had my phone for about 45 Days and we were changing providers to Verizon. Verizon refused to provide service because the phone was still locked (- on a no pay list from previous owner). I called Gazelle and they suggested I buy another phone, pay for it and when phone #2 arrives I send the 1st one back. I was leaving town in 5 days and they said they would expedite the shipping and I would receive my new phone on 11/07 as I was leaving early morning on 11/8/22. I paid for the 2nd phone, and it arrived on 11/8/22, too late so I wasn't home to sign for it. Fed-Ex texted me saying I had 5 days to pick it up before it was shipped back to Gazelle. I spoke to a Fed-Ex Manager who told me if I called back on 11/15/22 they could resend it to me for redelivery. I called twice on 11/15 and Fed-Ex sent phone #2 back to Gazelle. Gazelle said I would have to wait 5-7 days for P2 to be received and processed and I would then be issued a refund and I could purchase a 3rd iPhone. 5 days later I received an email from Gazelle with a shipping label to return the 2nd phone that I never received. At that point I called Visa and put a stop payment on both phones and ordered one from another store. When I finally got my UN-locked phone, Gazelle finally agreed to send a shipping label to return iPhone #1. But I had to mail it that day to get my credit. None of this mess was my fault. Gazelle then told Visa I hadn't sent it back, I got more demands to verify all transactions and provide proof and of the entire history of these transactions and communications. All this took 8 phone calls to Gazelle, detailing the claim to about 6 different people (and 6 phone calls to Fed- Ex that proved useless)
I finally, finally got the last of the money refunded, verified, and put back on my Visa Card 1/15/23.

Tip for consumers:

Don't, till they fix their service and delivery problems.

Products used:

None. I returned the phone as it was LOCKED and the service nwas so bad we could not resolve the issues in a reasonable time frame.

Date of experience: January 16, 2023