1 review for Gaystryst is not recommended
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1 review
2 helpful votes

Talk about a headache
January 8, 2022

I will sum it up best that I can
I made an account with gaystryst.com after making the account 3 more accounts on 3 different sites where made using all the same information I used to creat the one account. I didn't think much of it until I decided to to try the 7 day trial when I purchased the trial they shared my credit card information with the other 3 websites that they created. I was not careful and I mean the slightest click on a pop up window that had popped up got me a 3 day trial for 2.99. On one of the other 3 websites that had been created Ooops my bad right I thought to myself it's just 3 dollars no worries. Well they used the 7 day trial to link itself to one of the two remaining accounts that they created and did the same with the 3 day trial they linked it with the last remaining website they created an account on. So now I have a 4 new websites with accounts and they all have a trial period two ending in 7 days and and two in 3 day. Ok what am I going to do with these 4 account on 4 websites that are identical to one another don't know but ok no problem. Few minutes later I received two emails one for each trial that was purchased. They have a user ID a reference number the time and date of purchased along with the expiration information of each trial. Well it shows me the date and time of purchase and at the bottom of that it has the expiration date of the trial to my surprise the expiration date of both trials was the same day of the trial purchase. Stating that there are 0 days remaining in the trial well when the trial ends there is the auto renewal of a subscription package of almost $40 a month if you don't call and cancel before the trial is over. I get on the phone and call the number provided to see what the hell was going on. I get on the phone with them and you can barely understand what they are saying because they have an accent talk with a low voice and fast. So I don't mention the emails saying my trials are about to end even though I just had paid for them I just go ahead and say I wanna cancel so I won't have to worry about the renewal if I don't cancel on time I say I wanna cancel they say ok ask why and what I thought about the website. Well then u really have to pay attention and be ready for the tricks they play. They mention that they will go ahead and cancel but they will give you an extension on the trial for FREE so I said ok and they proceed by asking if they can help u with a anything else. No I'm good ok have a great whatever they say and bye. I'm all done right. NO i go to one of the accounts and to my surprise it said that the trial was active and that the subscription will renew after the trial is over. I gave it 10 minutes nothing changed and I didn't get an email confirming my cancellation. I call back and that's when it clicked when I said I had just called and never got my cancellation notification she just acted like it was my first time calling same bs why am I canceling what did I like and that I will get the free extension on the trial bla bla bla ok hang up same thing wait for email never came and account still active membership I get on phone call and here we go again same bs but this time I stop mid way and say why am I going through this again why don't you cancel my account how many times do I have to go through this and she says well u said ok to the free extension on the trial so when I had canceled the previous times I was reactivating it by giving the ok on the free trial extension keeping the subscription to renew after trial was over so I never really cancelled the previous times. Dam if your not careful they are good and will get you tricky little ****. So that's that oh no it's not. I get my confirmation email and I go check the website ok all good I go to one of the other websites which has an active trial subscription and they had a different number to call and what not so I call and here we go again but this time I give them the account info what website and why I'm canceling and I don't let them continue talking because they try to get you to say ok to the trial extension for free and even though u say no I wanna cancel they continue to wanna finish with they will give u the free extension I had to be abrupt and said I wanted it canceled now and I expected to get my cancellation confirmation email I didn't allow them to speak anymore all I accepted from them was ok and if their is anything else I need help with. No ok bye. I get my email great I'm done. HELL NO I go to the 3rd website and it has an active account with an active subscription. Wait I never got other trials other than the two one for 7 days and one for 3 day. So how on earth do I have as active trial subscription to be Renewed after the trial is over. Is this even legal I never agreed to this. I get on the phone and here we go again same script and same thing they try and trick u into saying ok or for you to agree u don't understand them and they talk fast and low and with the accents they get u to say ok or agree with what they are saying when in reality u don't understand a word they saying so you have to take control and once again say cancel my subscription and u have to tell them u don't wanna hear anything else from them other than your account will be canceled and you will get a verification email of cancelation. Go to my email I get an email of cancelation but it's not a cancelation for the 3rd website subscription it's from the first website subscription I had canceled I get on the phone and they want to do their script nope not this time I asked for the confirmation email for that specific website they say ok but they can't email till they hang up. 10 minutes go by no email I call again same thing and no then I call again and same thing and no email. I call again and this time I'm livid I get off phone and this time I get email but it's the email confirming cancelation of the first website account I canceled again This happened 4 more times till they finally gave me the confirmation for the right website leaving me with one last account and it's the same thing but this time they never send me a cancellation verification email for the last website even after I made several calls they stick to their script do not try to help u pretty much telling u your s***** out of luck and they will not do anything just tell you that's it's been canceled and that they will emailed you the cancellation email for that website. Never got the email verifying cancellation. At this point I go to website and contact them through the support email and send them an email. I state I want my account for that website canceled that I want verification of cancellation and I will fight them on any charges they try to charge on my credit card. I get a response back saying they have transferred subscription to one of the previous websites I had already canceled all done by my request when I had called them. Which is a S*** load of poop. So now I'm done i send a reply to cancel that now I have email prove of conversation and my request to cancel and I will take action if any of the 4 subscription wasn't cancelled. Thats where I'm at right now. They will use all your information pictures credit card info and create multiple accounts all using the same information password screen name on different websites affiliated with them but give each website account a different user ID # making each account an individual even though they are copy's of the one account you created making you have to cancel each one individually or else you would be getting charged for each account subscription which I do not know how it's legal to link a trial subscription to two different websites when u never agreed nor purchased separate trial subscription for those websites and yet they will make you liable for the automatic renewal of the subscription if it is not canceled individually. After all this I got on the websites and read trough the terms and privacy and it says that they will create multiple accounts and that they will have to cancel subscriptions individually and that they will use any and all information and photos and anything you put on their website as they please. Oh and the websites are a a lot of baloney they have like no members in the terms and privacy it also states that they use profiles that have been created to make automated comments and messages making it seem as though you are getting responses from other members but you are not. Your profile has the setting on to automatically make messages and comments and to send likes to other member randomly or to new members or members who have made any change to their profile like added pic just to make it seem as though their is activity and action going on. Even if the profiles haven't had activity in months they are still producing this automated messages so when u creat an account u get multiple messages from individuals making it seem as though the website actually has active members and u can't see any of it until you get a subscription of sort so you can view all the notifications. They also state on the terms and privacy that u can cancel deactivate and change settings to opt out of data collection and what control you have on the account but it's a lie they do not give the option to cancel delete hide or deactivate and other options like they state they do. Which allows them to keep using your profile and send automated messages making it seem that your an active member even though u don't use account anymore. They have settings in which they allow u to check off or on to what u would like it to be but the dam settings are a blank page with only the availability to check on or off to things you don't even know what they are. I will attach picture of the blank settings page that has certain setting active without u knowing what they are and the trial subscription and how they tried to say my trial I had just paid for was already going to end which would have made me pay for a almost $40 dollar subscription package for each individual account. Be warned

Tip for consumers:

One must read the terms and privacy statements. Before even thinking of using but my review is factual and you would save yourself the time and energy if you searched else where

Date of experience: January 8, 2022
1 review for Gaystryst is not recommended