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1 review
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No matter how nice the staff is, this business mode just won't help you find a man
March 15, 2023

I have tried gayquation (sorry, not going to reveal who I am). I can attest the good part of the service: the staff working on my case is very nice and also he replies quickly.

But after a few months exploration, I have to admit, this business mode just won't help you find a boyfriend. Save your money and energy. Maybe go to gym, or go to bars. If you want a "your type", you need to go out and meet people by yourself.

There are reasons for this:
1. People on this service are generally more picky than people you could meet in real life. Think about this, they pay hundreds of dollars to match makers. What's the point for not getting their "type" but getting a regular man that could be found on app?

2. They do not have a big enough database. Who would really pay for a matchmaking service? The super picky ones or the super desperate ones. People who are attractive do not have problems findings someone they want, for relationship or for hookups. This is just a cruel human nature. They do not need services like this. Especially when the matchmakers' work is to exhaust all the profiles on the apps just to find guys for you.

Most Gay guys are highly expressive and they do not have an exclusive network for gay men. Only if you want to find the "dl in closest ones". Why don't you go to apps again then?

Also, think about this business mode. If everyone can easily find his "type", this service will no longer survive.

I'm sorry to point this out to all Potential buyers. This service does not work. You will be disappointed by all the guys they provide you and think they are all "too average" or even "below average". If you do not think this way, you shouldn't be the one needing a matchmaking service. Do not expect this service to have magic power. You have to meet guys by yourself. Go to gym, go to bar, go to gay sport event, go to anything that helps with boosting your confidence and helping you socialize with other gay men. This is 2023, life is short. Don't waste your time and money on nonsense.

To the business owner of gayquation. I am sorry I said a lot of bad comments on your service. It's not that you guys didn't try. It is just that matchmaking does not work for most people anymore, especially for gay people. I have the screenshots of your staffs telling me "gays are just super picky", "your area has little number of gays", "you are attractive but you also have high standards", etc. there are even close to racism comments (well, the gay community is with a lot of racism I understand).

But did you realize that's the reason why I signed up to begin with? It is because gay guys are picky. It is because I don't live at the center of a metropolitan city (but I'm also not too far from it, let's be honest, 20 mins drive is nothing). It is because I have some standards (but shouldn't I?) it is because all these that I signed up. Apparently, this service is not the solution.

P.s. I am not an angry desperate man who cannot get a man. I get men, but through socializing at gym, bar, and events. It was difficult to begin with, but it worked out well. Guys, again, just go out and meet people and be hopeful with yourself.

Tip for consumers:

Who may be good customer for this service?
1. You are not picky at all (open your dating app and you are “open minded” enough to be able to sleep first 10 dudes showing up in your app)
2. You are so busy that you don’t have time to scroll through dating apps or personally go out for a gay meetup event.

If not the case, don’t even bother with this service. It won’t work for you. It is not a scam, but it just won’t work.

Date of experience: March 15, 2023