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1 review
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Will Not Allow Me To Withdraw My Funds
June 6, 2024

On April 11,2024, I joined the Fortune Code group on WhatsApp. On that day I began receiving messages from the teacher's assistant Emma Avva. She guided me in all my trading activities. The group's trading platform is called FrpooGroup aka FxPoo and FxPro. Emma Avva walked me through the steps of setting up my account on the FrpooGroup platform. Her WhatsApp phone numbers are *******292 and *******113. On April 17,2024, I made my first investment in the amount of $888.46. My final investment amount was on May 05,2024, in the amount of $47,928.49. Total investment amount $100,821.42. My Total earnings are $1,406,986.00. The platform charged $5 for each trade, this was deducted off the top. They are not allowing me to withdraw my funds unless I pay a 15% commission fee in the amount of $196,047.90. They never explained to me in advance that such a high fee was required to withdraw my funds. Their app address is, https://beta.frpoo.top/frpoo.apk
FxPro is the primary company name. They are based in United Kingdom, 13-14 Basinghall str., City of London, EC2V5BQ, UK., Cyprus, Karyatidon 1, Ypsonas 4193, Cyprus Telephone +***********.

I have communicated my concerns to customer service through their app FrPoo. They told me I needed to pay 1% of the withdrawal amount. The amount I paid, $1250.00 plus $500 to withdraw ******.00. I paid the fees on 06/05/24, was told to wait 24 hours. Today they told me that I needed pay another 1% for labor fees. These I feel are bogus fees. The conflict began on May 17,2024, this is when they abruptly ended trading then closed down the WhatsApp chat room. They told me that I needed to pay $196,047.9 commission fee of which I was never made aware of before hand nor did I sign an agreement to pay the amount. Also, they told me that I needed to pay at least 1% of my total assets of $1406,986.00 before I could withdraw my funds.

Products used:

Online Trading App FrPoo aka FxPoo and FxPro

Date of experience: June 6, 2024