It always seems at the end of the month freepik reverts to its throttleing of users that actually use their accounts to download 100 images daily, but that's a NO NO to freepik you see Freepik is paying for the content so when you download your alotted number by agreement then Freepik has to pay their providers of the content people like RawPixel, Look Studio, NACreative, Red Grey Stock, Pop Cart, VectorStock, ComicStocks all terrific contributors and the more that gets downloaded the more they get paid notonly is Freepik fraudulently targeting users but they are taking income away from their own contributors. I have gone so far to identify the investors in this con. I have attached the images we received today should look familar to everyone that has a subscription with this company. I was warned by family members, other companies like myself who design for companies, shirt firms and individuals. Freepik is a scheme pure and simple my usage showed I logged in with Edge everytime but once however I was able to download on that day without a problem let me say this Google Chrome and Edge were on the exact same IP address. I believe Freepik has another notorious vendor who hosts their servers Ionos (1 & 1) and some of these measures could be linked back to them. Below is all the same old nonsensical reasons that Freepik sends to the accounts they want to stop using the platform. If your new I am a woman in my 60's I have accounts at PngTree, Vecteezy,, CreativeGraphics, Shutterstock I have NEVER experienced this harrasment from ANY of the mentioned sites except for Freepik. STAY AWAY YOU WILL EXPERIENCE THIS IT IS NOT ANOMOLY AN THEY WILL TRY TO INTIMIDATE YOU WITH THEIR LEGAL PAGE I HAVE HAD 3 LAWYERS IN THE BOSTON AREA LOOK AT IT 1 LAUGHED, 1 "STUPID", 1 "HAS NO BASIS"
J Fiske
Quality and value is mute Freepik does not do much of the graphics and much of what they do is simple and sometimes very sophomoric, the graphics from most contributor is outstanding. Value as far as purchasing is worth it if in fact the con did not exist. So value does not match the quality of product when you go go days without service and no chance to have those days reinstated. This is my 2nd review on this company I wish I was able to give them a glowing review after the last incident