12 reviews for FoodNetwork are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
1 review
1 helpful vote

Cooking shows
August 3, 2022

I love girl meets farm she is a real sweetheart, Symons Dinners & Kardea Brown all great new shows-Love

Date of experience: August 2, 2022
1 review
1 helpful vote

Just cook!
January 21, 2022

I like the competition shows - in a, turn them on and not be distressed that I missed the ending, kind of way. What I don't like is the practiced snobbery. I understand that these are chefs that cook with high end ingredients; but, the average American cannot afford fresh Ahi tuna, ribeye steak, and truffles. Some of the judges turn their noses up when a contestant uses canned tomatoes, like it's a sin against culinary holiness. (The drama effect for the show) Yet, 211.5 million people in America used canned tomatoes last year, and over 710 million cans of tuna were purchased! Question. Why not give us cooking shows that we (the average American) can use? The competitions are fun to watch in moderation; but, most of us watch the Food Network to give us ideas for actual in home cooking. I like the Kitchen for that reason. I've gotten good ideas from them. And, I really don't understand all the negative hoopla about Sunny. I think the Kitchen is supposed to be a little like your kitchen at home - you know, when someone comes in and samples the food before it's done, people all talking at once, kids underfoot, etc. Don't even try to convince me that none of you have talked with food in your mouth at family gatherings! So, unless I'm confused, and the average American woman wears a cocktail dress with her cleavage on display, while her husband properly monitors in his suit and tie during dinner preparation; the Kitchen is more realistic. So what if Jeff acts like a kid in a candy shop, or Sunny talks with food in her mouth, or Katie grabs for food first, or Geoffrey is a bit stoic, or they interrupt each other; it's rather like being in a normal kitchen with family. Kitchen's at home are the most boisterous, busy, and well used room in the house. I enjoy most of the shows on the Food Network. When I get weary of them, it's as simple as picking up the remote and changing the channel to something that holds more interest for me at the moment. While reading the reviews, I wondered why some people have to be so condescending and hateful in them? I agree that showing an excessive amount of skin on a cooking show is distasteful, that politics has no place on the Food Network, that the reruns are excessive, and that it is more about competition than cooking. But, why is it so bothersome that Martha did wrong in the past? Haven't we all? She paid the price that the justice system passed out to her, and is going on with her life in a ladylike fashion. If you don't like Alex for some reason, that's fine. I'm sure not everyone in the world likes you or me either; but, to throw her weight into a review is not informative or helpful. Despite your dislike of her, she is a beautiful woman who has earned her place on the network. Yes, Ann is judgemental about the worst cooks; but, isn't the premise of the show that the worst cooks in America, who's food is inedible, go on to cook food she is proud of them for? We all have personality dislikes; but, unless you expect the whole world to be a clone of yourself, this should not be a legitimate concern in a review. If you want the network to be more about cooking and less about drama, than stop giving emotionally distraught reviews that feed the fire of needed drama, and start giving constructive criticism that the network can work with.

Date of experience: January 20, 2022
New Mexico
1 review
7 helpful votes

Food Network Channel
October 8, 2021

This used to be our favorite channel.
But now it's the Guy Fieri network. YAWN.
Change it up!

Date of experience: October 8, 2021
2 reviews
11 helpful votes

Clean this program up!
November 10, 2019

Sunny & Jeff - TOO LOUD! Guy - TOO MUCH! Giada - Way TOO MUCH CLEAVAGE! This should be about FOOD!

Date of experience: November 10, 2019
2 reviews
13 helpful votes

Giada only shows a big mouth of teeth and showing cleavage and boobs, Its disgusting and tasteless!
August 14, 2019

I would give this show a negative -10! It is so utterly tadteless I cant believe this is televised!

Date of experience: August 14, 2019
1 review
7 helpful votes

How many times in one day can ANYONE WATCH GUY FITI
June 1, 2018

Our food network w/ suddenlink. In the Ozarks Guy Fiti. ALL f, un day and
DDD then grocery JUNK then some other Guy Crap then more Guy crap
After that we get some Bobby crap for 2 hours w/ cheap trick RED dress boobes
Hunck of junk... italian... she is better than EVERYONE. And she need to let you know THAT... is this ALL you got anymore?

Date of experience: June 1, 2018
1 review
8 helpful votes

October 29, 2017

It has changed a lot over the few years. There does seem to be less education and a lot more competitions. Even some of the shows that started out as good arent as good as they were. Guys grocery games for example started out with families now its chefs. I liked it better with the families. When they find something good, they just overdo the crap out of it. Good example is Guy Fieti. Its ridiculous, I once really liked him, now Im just sick of him. The new iron Chef gauntlet show is stupid. It belittles being an iron chef. They are making them worth a dime a dozen. The format on the first iron chef series was good, but unfortunately they were completely dishonest and out right lied about the menus. They were never a surprise to the chefs, they knew the ingredients days in advance. Thats why it was taken off the air, although the Food Network never admitted that the show had ever been canceled. Theyre kind of ridiculous that way. Another thing, its Trisha Gaywood. I love her to death, but she has written a few cookbooks and has had a cooking show for years on the Food Network. Yet she has never spent an hour with the chef to learn how to chopping onion. Her knife skills are terrible! It is so aggravating to watch! I could how to cook and out chopper her any day of the week, but she gets a cooking show because shes Trisha Yearwood. Also, there are tons of cooking shows, but how many baking shows are there? Im not talking about competitions, Im talking about a baker in a kitchen baking things and teaching you technique. No balance. Is Rachel ray capable of making a salad? Literally everything that she makes is high carb high fat heavy comfort foods.

Date of experience: October 29, 2017
New York
1 review
12 helpful votes

Your Losing Viewers Due To Your Lack Of Relationship With Your Clients (viewers)
April 13, 2017

You have done your viewers all wrong! You need to step up your game and relate to the veiwers you have lost. Remember your 2007 ratings and how high they were? Well those were the days. If your going to continue with these irrelevant cooking shows go to the game show network and pitch them. We are customers of a service in which you provide and in reading the ratings you will see a 50/50 split! 1 star or 5 star with some in between. Does that matter to you? So not only have you managed to lose ratings overall but your losing viewers to YouTube. The sad thing is you look at YouTube for your talent and I wonder is it because you realize that it has become your major competitor?
So tired of seeing the same damn hosts, so tired of Guy Fiori and his look a like sister, so tired of these older grandmas trying to cook but they are so bland and fake! Giada, Barefoot, and some lady with farmhouse rules! Are you kidding me? Absolutely no inspiration absolutely no love! Just absolutely a joke! Where is the talent?
Remember how you use to inspire chefs? Remember how you use to have people going crazy for food? What are you now? The food network of the game show network! Why don't you start running old episodes of family feud and gladiators on your network because that's what you have become! Not one damn show remotely close to what Emril once was or even Rachael ray when she first started.
Not one damn baking show showing us how to bake! You have done your part at making the baking world cute and artistic... baking is an art but it's not the art of cake decorating it's the art of how to bake! It's a damn science! Remember how the days were where grandpa was working at the bakery during holidays missing family events? People illustrate the baking industry with men and there is nothing sexier to a woman than a man that can bake! Think of all those viewers your loosing out on! Then you bring in Buddy! The glorified cake decorator that couldn't bake a Betty Crocker cake! He is what transformed the industry to cake decorating! That's 5% of the industry! Stop with the insanity surly there is someone out their that can host a show that knows how to bake and make it fun again with a mixture of creativity! YOU NEED A MALE BAKER TO BRING IN SOME RATINGS! YOUNG AND FULL OF ENERGY! I'm just tired of the same hosts with no charisma and no sense of hunger! You have done a good job of bringing in useless boring talent and now I wonder do you bring in these boring hosts to make your game shows more appealing! Maybe you wish to have zero cooking ratings to prove that game shows are the way to go! If that's the reason then your succeeding! If not bring in some real talent! It's that simple! Love Dina

Date of experience: April 13, 2017
1 review
0 helpful votes

Southern maid chicken
November 7, 2016

Best chicken in the world

Date of experience: November 6, 2016
25 reviews
108 helpful votes

Very cool site if you like cooking and food!
December 7, 2013

Very cool site if you like cooking and food!

Date of experience: December 7, 2013
12 reviews for FoodNetwork are not recommended