1 review for Fitnesssingles is not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

Fitness Singles is the WORST dating site f all of them I have tried. Certainly the worst of the pay
August 10, 2023

Fitness Singles is the WORST dating site f all of them I have tried. Certainly the worst of the paying sites. I paid for six months. I would NOT make that mistake again.

By the way, this SiteJabber asked me for a copy of my paid receipt. I don't really have one except for an email that I sent to them after I subscribed.

Let me explain SOME of the reasons:

First, very few PAYING members relative to otherpaid sites. Of course, it APPEARS they have a lot of profiles but the VAST MAJPRITY have not visited the site for "...Over three weeks" and that is a clear sign they are not even USING the site let alone renewing f they made the mistake of joining. (It is NOT WORTH payng and not worth joingnf since you cannot trade messages with NON -paying profiles.

This lame site has a 'front page' that has a rotating 'Member' profile that show profiles of ANYONE WITHOUT ANY REGARD TO YOUR Settings. They rarely show you profiles of people in your geographical limit/settings and instead they force fee you with pictures of people you will NEVER MEET because they are well beyond the geographical settings you choose. When I have messaged them repeatedly about the waste of time, everyone's time, by showing me profiles of people WAAAAAY beyond my geographical settings, the customer service people, and the supervisors, tell there is NOTHING I CAN DO TO PREVENT THEM FROM WASTING MY TIME BY SHWING ME THESE DISTANT and therefore NON matches. It seems unethical and tragic that even if I set my search parameters, they unilaterally ignore those and then tell me they will not accommodate my distance parameters, even though I am a paying member

Don't waste your time nor money. I would never renew my paid subscription and I will turn-off or delete my profile once my paid subscription ends this spring or summer.

PS It's not only the VERY SMALL NUMBER OF PAYING members but he fact they INTETIONALLY SHOW ME PROFILES THERE ARE WELL BEYOND MY well-considered distance limits.

Tip for consumers:

Don't use the site. Waste of time and especially waste of money

Products used:

Dating site: searching, and communicating with PAID members only. And the word "Fitness" does NOT DESCRIBE very many of the profiles, if you know what I mean.

Date of experience: March 15, 2023
1 review for Fitnesssingles is not recommended