DO NOT RENT from this Extra Space Storage location (or any for that matter). The units on the third floor of this facility, as well as the facility itself, are not secure and can easily be accessed by burglars without even having to break in. The "secure" front door entrance can be accessed without a code simply by shoving a thin stick between the sliding doors to trigger the motion sensor that opens the doors from the inside. On the third floor of the facility, every unit has a ~four foot gap between the top of their unit and the ceiling, which is covered only by three thin metal cross bars that do not in any way prevent someone from entering your unit. All they need is a ladder. I have photo evidence of numerous other third-floor units with obvious signs of forced entry, have filed a police report, have connected with an attorney if Extra Space continues to refuse to pay me for losses, and will continue to climb the chain of command at Extra Space Storage until they do. The worst part of this entire deal: Extra Space Storage has known for a long time that their facility is insecure and that people's units are being broken into. They have done absolutely nothing about it. They didn't notify renters on the third floor that their items may be in jeopardy or were already taken, they didn't add any security measures to secure the individual units on the third floor, and they didn't do anything to prevent illegal entrance through the front door of the building despite having ample video evidence of this occurring. The facility manager told me that she knows this has been happening and has implored corporate to allow their facility to expand employee hours to have more on-site presence, to hire additional security personnel, to upgrade the process for entrance into the building and onto the elevator, and to place additional bars across the open area atop the third floor storage units to prevent someone from being able to enter them with a ladder. Corporate's response to everything? No, it isn't in your budget and we are not willing to pay anything additional to cut into our profit margins, regardless of security issues. Extra Space Storage is guilty of gross negligence as they knowingly allowed their building and their renters' property to be accessed and burglarized without notifying anyone or doing a single thing about it. The only service that Extra Space Storage offers is to securely store your property for you in their facility, and they have utterly and disgracefully failed to do so, and they know it but refuse to do the right thing to remedy the situation. To Extra Space Storage, pay me the money you owe me to reimburse me for items lost and for the rent I paid to you to secure my property. You did not perform the single function that you claim to offer and that I paid you to perform. Myself, along with many other renters, deserve compensation given your gross negligence and the liability you assume by operating your business as you have. If you are in the same situation as I am, reach out to me and join me in the righteous fight against Extra Space Storage and yet another example of corporate greed at the cost of everyday people.