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1 review
6 helpful votes

I'm a frequent traveller and have often used Expedia.ca...
November 20, 2010

I'm a frequent traveller and have often used Expedia.ca to purchase flights. This time however, I needed to make a change (2 months in advance) - and they put me through he*l and back. I will NEVER EVER use them again because like I'd heard, they make it impossible to make changes. Here are just a FEW of the many issues I had with them:

Wait Times:
- 1st call (to get information): 15 minutes; after a few questions, was put on hold for about 10 minutes again
- 2nd call (to make a change): 50 minutes; again, was put on hold for about 20 minutes when I asked questions
- 3rd call (to try to make change again): 1 hr and 35 minutes; this time, I was put on hold and the connection cut out after about 10 minutes

Customer Sales Representatives:
- The customer service representative are rude, egotistical, impatient, talk over you, and basically have zero interpersonal or customer relations skills. As an example, after waiting over 1.5 hrs before reaching one of them, I told him the wait time, and he said "ok". No apology, nothing. He also rudely asked me what my problem is... pretty unbelievable.
- What one person will tell you is often the complete opposite of another sales rep -- I recommend you do not make the mistake that I did and make other travel arrangements based on information they provide you

Ability / Willingness to Help: NONE!
-I have more than enough examples, but will just mention a humourous one for now. I called to see if I have any options for change that would make sense for me. After putting me on hold AGAIN, he comes back and says "I found something for you Mam, it has 3 stop-overs, and the difference is $4000 Canadian dollars".

- The website advertises that they are available 24/7 to help -- this is not true. I called at 3:00 am twice and both times no one picked up - after 25 minutes of hold music, a message comes on asking you to call back during regular hours. That's illegal - straight up false advertising...

I'm sure you guys find this hard to believe - you can check out www.victimsofexpedia.com if you don't believe me though! Its all true... and there's SOO much more that I just don't have time to write!

Hope this was helpful to some people out there...

Date of experience: November 20, 2010