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1 review
2 helpful votes

Purchased a ticket for an event in Florida for 2/11 received ticket for same show 3000 miles away in
February 12, 2018

I bought a valentines gift of a soap opera event at Orlando Hilton on Feb 10 for a show on the 11th. I got the ticket quickly for a show 6 weeks later and 3000 miles west. There was only one choice on the screen. I spent 138 dollars I tried calling immediately no answer went to their website where it said to respond with card info and venue for a refund and it bounced back. I called and called no answer they have phones answered by a recording telling you they Eventbright do not answer the phone. I found the website and it said no refunds. I was sent the wrong ticket. I called the Hilton in Orlando left a message with the event coordinator who has not returned my call I called the Hilton again Sunday morning asking them to contact the event organizers to see if she could still use the ticket. Rep put me on hold then told me to go to the website got a refund where it said no refund he hung up. My wife of 32 years was very disappointed. I was furious once the show started at noon on Sunday the link with the Event organizer opened I had a name and a company late the night before did a call to my bank and disputed the charge. I called the company that I will not mention and left my name and number. I called the FTC and filed a formal complaint for fraud. I sent the event org an email with all the info and lo and behold Monday morning received a call and an immediate refund. To their credit they are a 5 Star company they use eventbrite software and had for many years with no problems. I explained what had happened Funny thing there were tickets available my wife could have gone but eventbrite took it upon themselves to do nothing. They did not pass on information they did not contact the event organizers but they put all the blame squarely on them. I had used this site to advise the event organizers of the guy in British Columbia that night New Years Eve tix for there but got tix for Washington DC. Dont give up dont wait months take action you do have a recourse Your bank card the FTC. Your states attorney generals office and consumer affairs. Make a formal complaint. Fight back they may not talk on the phone but they will respond to the FTC OR State make the politicians work for us. Long story to an end it was refunded immediately. Yeah they can do it. Make them accountable

Date of experience: February 12, 2018