Hi, i just want to warn for a possible checkout page hack at Efun.Top site during the last weekend of July.
Here is the story, i leave conclusions to you.
During the last weekend of July 2018 i was browsing Efun.Top to find some deals to buy, as i usually do.
When i putted some stuff to my cart and checked for the final price (item price + Shipping) i realized that there was a $25 discount! That discount was not mentioned anywhere in the site. I tried different products, i also called my friends to check it out and it was there. $25 discount per order! So, we decide to buy stuff. That was wonderful!
BUT... when we tried to checkout and we choose PAYPAL payment, NEW FIELDS appeared on the page, asking our CREDIT CARD"S infos for verification purpose, as it was mentioned beneath these fiels. I was stunned, i said to my friend that was NOT NORMAL process. We use PAYPAL just to not give to anyone our bank and card infos. It was so suspicious. Without filling your card's infos the process was stopping there. No way to check out. After thinking for sometime, I thought that EFUN.TOP is a big store, i will trust it. I knew by facts that these days they was making changes to warehouse location, maybe they update their systems too. So i trusted the process and entered my card's infos and ordered the items i wanted.
That was in Saturday 07/29/2018. At Monday, an email came from Efun and informed us, that during the weekend a wrong discount coupon was running and if we wanted the ordered products we had to pay the difference for the actual price or ask for a refund of what we had paid.
I decided having a refund and i mentioned the strange fact that their checkout page was asking for our CREDIT card's infos. I also asked them DIRECTLY to verify me that IT WAS NOT A HACK and it was just a SYSTEM GLITCH like the wrong coupon.
Their answer " sorry about the trouble you met. Let me answer one by one
1as the paypal issue. In short, that's ok, no one stole your information. "
BUT at September 10, my friend who we made the transactions together called me and told me that his card was hacked ant someone charged him 80 euros for plane tickets, after that i checked my card. I was hacked and charged too for 40 euros.
Of course we called our bank and cancelled the cards and we went to the police to press charges for any might be responsible for this.
I always use PAYPAL for my transactions the last 12 years. The only website that i FORCED to give my PERSONAL infos was Efun.Top. One month later i was hacked. When I wrote them, at September 11, and i told them the story no answer from them yet.
So this is a WARNING too. Whoever did transactions at July 29/30 2018, and at checkout page, after choosing PAYPAL was also asking for additional credit card's infos was probably hacked too. Check your card's account for unwanted charges.
Any other conclusion, i leave it to you.