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New York
1 review
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EFAX stole $84 from my account without my permission or consent
February 15, 2017

Over 20 years ago, I signed up for MAXEMAIL which was $24 for the year. I barely used it but it was good backup for the price. My yearly contract was set to expire on May 1,2017. Out of nowhere on FEbrurary 9,2017 I receive and email from EFAX.COM advising me that they STOLE $84 from my account wihtout my permission, consent or knowledge. I googled to see who they were and discoved they took over MAXEMAIL. I NEVER agreed to thier company, never agreed to their servie nor was ever informed of any takeover but certainly would not spend $84 for a service I barely use. 4 x what I paid with MAXEMAIL. On FEbruary 10,2017 I called and demanded cancellation and immediate refund. Was given REFRENCE NUMBER. Then recieved email notifing of cancellation but NOTHING ABOUT REFUND. I replying. Email said "we'll look into it" EXCUSE ME YOU THEIVES... Now I have demaned a FEDEX CHECK since they stole money and I am not waiting on "thier review" I have contacted NYS ATtorney General and well as the California attorney general. Am leaving reveiws with Better Business Bureau, Consumer Affairs and all social media... quite obviously I am not the only person they STOLE MONEY FROM... MISERABLE CORPORATE THEIVES

Date of experience: February 15, 2017