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1 review
2 helpful votes

DON'T Go with EDUCBA guys
May 28, 2019

DON'T GO WITH EDUDCBA. They don't have the ethics to pay me my money.

I'm a marketing affliate partner for Educba. They owe me about INR 54,788 which is about $786.97(as marketing commission) for helping them selling their courses on Bundlehunt

I'm deeply disappointed by Educba that they don't pay me my money. I have been helping them promote their courses through various deal sites for long and didn't expect that they cheat me like this!

Let me share with you(all the proofs of what happened):

First, i reached out to educba with three deal opportunities(one of which was bundlehunt): http://prntscr.com/nu96ej

Then, they agreed to promote on bundlehunt and the deal was setup. See http://prntscr.com/nu979y and http://prntscr.com/nu97qi

See this response from bundlehunt that they found the deal setup to be working: http://prntscr.com/nu980z

Fast forward, the deal run for many days and then the deal ended. I asked Bundlehunt to pay Educba money directly(so that i can collect my payment from Educba). Bundlehunt paid the deal revenue share: http://prntscr.com/nu99az and http://prntscr.com/nu99z5

On april 22, payment was released from bundlehunt side and it took Educba until may 2nd to tell me that they received the amount:

I asked aatish(from Edubca) multiple times to release my money. But he keeps giving me excuses(that i'll be contacted by their accounting team or they'll pay me on monday(which never came))

So i emailed their director about this on may23, but no response from him regarding my commission till this date(at the time of writing this):

PLEASE KINDLY PAY ME MY MONEY if educba team is reading this.

Date of experience: May 28, 2019