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West Virginia
1 review
0 helpful votes

Poor business practices/ difficulty unsubscribing to auto renewal
July 30, 2023

I used this website to print a handful of worksheets for my homeschooled eighth grader, she was only a couple worksheets short in one subject for her portfolio. I Found this website by googling and it looked great. The work sheets looked great. The quality look great. There were answer sheets included and all that was great but it was supposed to be free for the first eight days and all I did was print a handful of work sheets, like 8 total. It has now been two months and I've been charged eight dollars for the initial "free" subscription and then $15.99 for two months after that. When you sign up it gives you the option to decline auto renewal or it states that you must email them right away and let them know you're not planning on auto renewing. I did both of those things the same night that I printed the worksheets so now I'm in the hole for $38.00 and we didn't even end up using them. I never even went back to the website after that first initial night because I sent the email to cancel as soon as I was done printing because I didn't want this to happen. Now my other problem is there is no customer service physical phone number that I can reach out and talk to somebody. It's all done via email so I'm having trouble getting in touch with anyone and we're going on month three that I'm trying to unsubscribe from this freaking website. I really detest companies that stoop so low as to rip people off instead of legitimately making money, your website looked fantastic to me and had I had the use for it. I would not have minded paying however, since I didn't they need to seriously stop charging me for a service that I am no longer using. And it would be very helpful to them as a company if they set up some kind of customer service number that made communicating with them easier. I am sure that I am not the first person to have this issue with them. The other thing is I didn't get an email letting me know that they were going to charge me for this NOR did I get a receipt from them after they charged me, not one notice or receipt for three separate charges. I WAS NOT NOTIFIED BEFORE THE CHARHE OR AFTERWARDS THEY SHOULD HAVE PROVIDED A RECIPT FOR PROOF OF PURCHASE. And at the very least, they could've given me a receipt and I could've written it off on my taxes. But I didn't know it was being charged until I accidentally found it in my bank account statement. I have zero emails from them except for the first initial email that I got and then the automatic one they sent after I unsubscribed, I hope no one else gets scammed. My next step is to go through my bank and file fraudulent charges if that's possible. It's been three days and I still have not heard from them at all have still yet to find where I logged into this website at. Bless my mind I have no saved passwords. I have no history that shows it going to it. I remember though it's just strange.

Date of experience: July 30, 2023