1 review for Ebay FR is not recommended
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1 review
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EBAY complicity of fraud and protect scam seller i have full proof
August 12, 2020

J ai acheter un telephone portable qui etait presenter sur ebay new dans le titre et dans etat:
Titre: NEW Nokia Lumia 925 16GB Mobile Phone
Neuf: Objet neuf et intact, n'ayant jamais servi, non ouvert, vendu dans son emballage d'origine

Jai recu le telephone il etait pas neuf il etait meme tres utiliser a l usure visible sur l arriere du telephone

Le vendeur sans scrupule ma proposer une petite ristourne en evoquant le faite qu'il etait d occasion mais pas cher,
J ai laisser un avis sur le produit en disant la verite ebay ma tout de suite suspendu le compte.
Et n a porter aucune attention sur cette fraude.

J'ai toutes les preuves y compris le telephone je veux envoyer ebay devant la justice pour complicite de fraude car ebay protege ses vendeurs au detriment des acheteurs

Ebay est devenu le vivier des arnarques escroquerie
Je me tiens a la disposition de trustpilot pour apporter toutes les preuves de ce que je dis le vendeur a tenter de vendre sur ebay des telephones pas neuf avec l appelation NEW ( NEUF N AYANT JAMAIS SERVIE ETC) et j ai recu un produit completement USE c est donc une escroquerie.

Et ebay a rien trouver mieeux de me fermer mon claper que de me bloquer sur ebay simplement mon combat ne fait que commencer pour dire au monde entier que ebay on rien a faire des acheteurs leurs buts conservers des vendeurs meme peu scrupuleux.

Je me tiens a la disposition de TRUSTPILOT ou autre personne pour montrer que c est vrai EBAY c est les arnaque en toute complicite avec EBAY
Je cherche a publier dans la press en france cette arnaque dont EBAY ET COMPLICE et COUPABLE

Je vous donne un seul conseil n acheter rien sur ebay

I bought a cell phone which was presented on ebay new in the title and in condition:
Title: NEW Nokia Lumia 925 16GB Mobile Phone
New: New and intact object, never used, unopened, sold in its original packaging

I received the phone it was not new it was even very used with visible wear on the back of the phone

The unscrupulous seller offered me a small discount by evoking the fact that it was used but not expensive,
I left an opinion on the product by telling the ebay truth my immediately suspended the account.
And pay no attention to this fraud.

I have all the evidence including the phone I want to send ebay to justice for complicit in fraud because ebay protects its sellers to the detriment of buyers

Ebay has become the breeding ground for scam arnarques
I am at the disposal of trustpilot to provide all the evidence of what I say the seller to try to sell not new telephones on ebay with the name NEW (NEW N HAVING NEVER SERVED ETC) and I received a completely USED product it is therefore a scam.

And ebay has found nothing better to close my clapper than to block me on ebay simply my fight has only just begun to tell the whole world that ebay has nothing to do with buyers their goals and even unscrupulous sellers.

Am at the disposal of TRUSTPILOT or other person to show that it is true EBAY c is the scams in all complicity with EBAY.

I am trying to publish in the press in France this scam including EBAY complicity of fraud
I give you only one advice not to buy anything on ebay


Date of experience: August 12, 2020
1 review for Ebay FR is not recommended