On May 6,2023, I clicked on the Microsoft Word "Print" "button" to print out four pages of notes about items that I was donating to a local museum.
The printer did not print. Instead of the familiar sounds of a laser printer going into action, a message appeared on my monitor stating that I needed to up-date my printer driver (software) because the current printer driver was "out-of-date." A hyperlink was on the page to "Driver Support One"
First, I believed that Microsoft automatically performed all necessary updates for free, which was confirmed on the Microsoft site when I quickly checked on my assumption. I had routinely received on-screen notices that such updates were in process and I should not turn off my PC until they were complete. Moreover, the address of the sender of the notice to update my printer driver did not show that the message was from Microsoft. The printer had worked just fine a few days previously, and I had repeatedly read advice to never click on "unfamiliar" hyperlinks. So, I searched "Driver Support" via Google. I found many adverse reviews, including advice from Microsoft that the Driver Support app was "snake oil" and the app generating the false notice should be removed from my PC as "malware." Further, I learned that Driver Support's "service" of installing printer drivers was for a monthly $9.99 fee, with more expensive deluxe service encouraged, and was, at best, installing what is free from Microsoft., and, at worst, the installation of more malware.
I merely "rebooted" my computer and was immediately rewarded with the successful printing of my document. My printer drivers worked just fine. The notice was a lie.
My research reveals that "Driver Suppor Onet" is one of several, apparently unregistered, "fictitious" names used in Ohio by Asurvio, LP, PO Box 2022, Temple, Texas, *****.
The registered agent for that entity is apparently Michael L. Hurd, 1035 Crescent, Belton, TX, ***** (resides in Temple, TX). On linkedin Mt Hurd describes himself as "CEO at PC Drivers HeadQuarters [sic]."
The sole General Partner of the LP is Asurvio Management, Inc, PO BOX 2022, Temple, TX *****.
The application that caused the false message that I needed a driver update is on my PC without my consent, could only have been there because, in traditional malware fashion, it downloaded without my knowledge and against my wishes when I "visited" some website or another.
On-line reviews report that, once installed the software is hard to remove and, when installed, is followed by continuous interruption by the program's ads and notifications, sudden redirects to sponsored websites.
This would appear to be an automated scam.
None. Discovered the fraud before purchase.