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8 reviews
12 helpful votes

I use this all the time
February 8, 2024

Google docs was on my computer so naturally I check it out and I create my first document (its just random E) then I actually made something and I created more and more and more and it was really good *******************************.09/*******************************.1 very cool and awesome program that is very useful.

Tip for consumers:


Date of experience: February 7, 2024
4 reviews
3 helpful votes

Docs Is Crap, And You Know It
July 4, 2020

Have you ever thought that typing the letter "i" followed by striking the space bar should produce a capital letter "I?" Grow up, you idiot. What do you think this is, BasicIntuitiveWordProcessor.com? Being an online word processor, you can't really expect an incredibly robust interface, but a lot of very basic functionality is lacking. If it's your only option, well then... it sucks to suck.

Date of experience: July 2, 2020