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1 review
1 helpful vote

The worst vendor I've ever dealt with
July 22, 2021

Our company has had the absolute worst experience with Displays2Go. Not with the product itself or the customer service... but with the whole process.

The project: order 30 cardboard displays (product WCCD3CP) with custom art (that we had designed and ready to go). Seems simple enough, right? At the time, the website said "Ships in 2 business days" — this is a huge lie. It says "approximately 4 days" now, but this has got to still be completely unrealistic, given our experience.

First of all, their online system refused to accept our business' billing address, regardless of what we tried. We know everything is correct (it works everywhere else), so it's a bug with their system. For whatever reason it flagged our billing address as incorrect. Sure, okay.

So, I call in and attempt to place the order with a person. She's very friendly and helpful, but they're using the same system, so our billing address still doesn't work. So be it. We use our client's credit card/billing info and that works. This was June 10th, by the way.

I was told I would be emailed a PDF proof of our submitted artwork in about 5 business days. Those days passed — and nothing. I call and ask them look into it. I'm told I'd I'll get a proof by end of day.

Again, nothing. So, I call again. They have to hound their production team, and after a two internal calls, I finally get a proof. It looks good, so I approve it. I'm then told it would be another 5 business days for production, give or take, and then it would ship. So, we'd be looking at a delivery date of roughly the end of June or the first week of July. Later than we expected. Certainly not the timeframe the website seemed to indicate.

Those days pass and I still haven't heard anything about it shipping. So, I call AGAIN, and then I'm told it would ship by July 2nd. Our client then has to push back the date of launching an entire campaign because these things are now running at least a couple weeks late.

Keeping with the theme, July 2 comes and goes. Nothing. More days pass. Still hasn't shipped. At this point, it's been a month since I placed my order and now we're hitting a hard deadline. We no longer had any faith that we'd get our product on time, so I had no choice but cancel our order and scramble to figure out an alternative locally.

(I will say that every one of the representatives I talked to on the phone was friendly, responsive, and helpful. Kudos to all of them. At least they can perform their job. But every single time I was told I'd get a call back about something, I never did. Not once.)

The representative I talk to puts through an urgent, priority request to cancel the order. I'm told I'd get a call back... Surprise, surprise, I do not.

I have to get a local vendor scramble to produce, from scratch, a product as close as possible to what Displays2Go failed to deliver on. They managed to pump out 30 of them in under a week. Should have done that in the first place.

So, it's July 21 and I have sent our finished products to our client.

Guess what shows up on my doorstep that same morning? FedEx with a box from Displays2Go — with the order I cancelled two weeks prior. Unbelievable.

So, I have to call AGAIN and make sure we didn't get billed for an order we cancelled. Well, we did. We most certainly got billed. The rep confirmed that our cancellation was absolutely submitted and then has to start the process of refunding us. I'm told it can take up to 10 business days for this to process, so we will certainly be keeping a close eye on the statement to make sure that it does indeed get refunded.

I won't be surprised if I have to call again, though. Or have to get the credit card issuer involved to dispute the charge. Not given the past 1.5 months. Sheesh.

I know that we are hardly a big client for this company. Hardly the biggest priority. But if we can't get 30 simple products on time, I'd hate to think what a bigger order would look like. We and our clients will never deal with Displays2Go ever again.

If you're looking to order something off the shelf (like furniture or a podium), you may have better luck (their shipping to Canada is BRUTAL EXPENSIVE, by the way), but if you're looking to order something that involves any printing what-so-ever, I'd suggest you look elsewhere unless you're a very patient person and have a lot of time.

Products used:

Workshop Series Cardboard Display, 3 Tiers, Removable Header (WCCD3CP)

Date of experience: July 22, 2021