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1 review
2 helpful votes

Customer service doesn't live up to the Disney name
December 23, 2017

I ordered two pieces of jewelry on 12/14/2017 after seeing banners all over the place saying that if I ordered soon I could have the items by Christmas. All through the order process - no detailed estimates of arrival dates. The only thing I get is an order confirmation saying i chose standard shipping, expected to be 5-6 business days - which should be enough to get before Christmas, right?

Nope. I get an email that my item shipped on 12/22/2017 after radio silence. Then I check the UPS delivery time frame and it says that I can expect to receive it on 12/29/2017... let me just mention that I was charged $38 for shipping as well and that the person I intended to buy the presents for leaves the country for a month and a half the day before. So I can't even give it to them as a late Christmas present.

So I call shopdisney.com's customer service to find out what's going on and then they tell me that the "shipping by Christmas" banners that were prevalent throughout the site only applied to a few select items. Additionally, in the tiny fine print, the items I ordered were indicated as being from an outside vendor, with an additional 2 weeks of processing time and that I would have had to order by 12/5/2017 in order to receive the items by Christmas.

So I ask if I can speak to someone to leave feedback on the website and customer service rep effectively tells me she can't help me while re-iterating this information is on the website.

So in the tiny chance anyone does read this that does manage shopdisney site design or marketing...

1) This is 2017. Many other large online shopping sites give you real time delivery estimates right before you place your order and in the order summary email - not tiny disclaimers below products, especially when your website is crowded with advertisements for other products and much larger flashing "SHIPPING BY CHRISTMAS" banners. A reminder/warning would have been helpful so that I could have had a contingency plan.

2) If your vendors take 1-2 weeks to ship, you should create a pop up warning, not bury it in tiny text. Especially with something ridiculous like "order by 12/5" to get delivery by Christmas on items that seem like every other pre-made/manufactured item you sell. I wasn't ordering custom made or expensive items here. My family does a ton of online shopping and your competitors deliver stuff to my door step two days after I order it.

To the people running shopdisney customer service - I wasn't looking for a refund or a discount. I simply wanted to provide feedback on a poor christmas shopping experience. You couldn't even do that?

Date of experience: December 23, 2017