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1 review
0 helpful votes

They just don't understand...
February 26, 2016

Is the best thing I can say... Second thoughts SCAM!
We have actually been a happy client of Depositphotos for over a year. Just ordered photos on a subscription basis $90 per month.

THEN... the humans at the office called me! The people there cant speak much English and once they find out you have a credit card "RAPE YOU ROTTEN"!... The sales team talk at you for 30 minutes and will NOT LET YOU SPEAK! You just have to listen or hang up. They talk over the top of you... you just want them off the line, and next thing you know $60 is taken off your credit card.

We screamed at them for a good hour to get it reversed... countless stupid arguments and
Hyperthetical debates. Apparently one of the head "ARGUERS" has two degrees we were told. I think he must have been head of his school debating team. Money was refunded but then our entire paid for subscription cancelled.

More time wasted... more abuse... yelling at them and finally we suggested if they didn't refund the money and reinstate our account till it expired we would reverse all our credit transactions.

That got them moving... reinstated and money refunded.

Best thing with these guys. If anyone rings up slam the phone down. They have a great product and if it wasn't for the staff. I would def. Use them again. Staff are bad/poor attitude and like debates and arguments... they must get a lot of practise! THis should be a case book for THE WORST SALES CALLS EVER...

As a happy customer... they ring you... piss you off... talk to you in pigeon English... then charge unauthorised charges on your credit card. If you are smart you catch them and will spend the rest of the day $#*!ing to get $60 back... I wonder how many people just can't be bothered and have better things to do. Not a professional way to earn money. The principal seems to be, if customers do not demand and fight for their overcharged fees they will keep it as profit.

Great company product, works well... Damning service and annoyed the hell out of us with their pestering poor English and putting things on our credit card without authority. This company would do better to leave SALES ALONE... they do more harm than good!

I will say goodbye at the end of this month when my subscription runs out.

Strange organization. Went from very good to plain ODD!

Date of experience: February 26, 2016