1 review for Dating Factory is not recommended
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1 review
8 helpful votes

Worst dating service provider. Stay away
March 30, 2021

Don't sign up for any of its dating services. In my case estoniansingles.com. You will get many short messages from different women (robots) which gives you the motivation of upgrading Trial to Gold membership. Dirty tricks. VISA bank payment won't work via their bogus payment website that shows the same errors regardless of amount. The reason is most likely that the payment company is not compliant with PSD2 2FA. I am guessing that is why they force you to do a transfer to account Tyche Technologies AG which is (owned by datingfactory.com) via Barclays Bank, GB02BARC**************. The payment never changes the membership to gold. It took me one week hoping you will give up and steal your money. Instead, they are sending unprofessional, and sneaky email support answers that the transfer takes several days. A payment reference number is randomly created every time you refresh the transfer page. This number has no significance. They are gathering information about you and I believe they are also saving pictures of people and reusing them which is forbidden by EU/EUS law.

Date of experience: March 30, 2021
1 review for Dating Factory is not recommended