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2 reviews
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Women are bots, you will never see them in real life, owners cheat you for money
October 30, 2024

I just read review at trustpilot and I see many people think the same as me, dating.com is full of bots, women are not real. I can say, every 2 hours you are pushed by website to pay 100 dollars to talk with girls, website is very expensive, I talked 3 months with girls and I spent more than 5 000 dollars and I never met any woman in real life, women promise you whatever you want, but they never meet you face to face. Every time they tell me they can not see my phone number in the message, or address/object where to meet in the city (some of them tell me they are in my city), I tried to send them my facebook and my personal website to contact me, but they say they can not see it, they say they can not send me present than I must send it to them, the cheapest present is 200 dollars and there are even 10 times more expensive presents. Women are bots and website is created that you can not go out of site and meet woman in reality. They want to keep you at website and they dont want to let you to go out of website. One girl from new york promised me to marry me and she collected papers for marriage but she never wanted to go out of website, the same as other women. Then I saw at facebook ads from cloudworker company from swiss, they employ people from poor countries to chat at dating websites, to be bots, to pretend they are real girls, then I searched google for "chatmoderators" and I found other companies like e-moderators from Berlin, they also say if you want to work for them, you must have free mind to chat at adult dating websites, they pay 24 euro cents per message. That's how I understood that I talked 3 months with bots and I spent 5 000 dollars, owners of dating.com cheat you to take your money. Don't use their website, they are extremly expensive comparing with other dating websites and you will never see woman face to face. You can also see their network if you register, they own 30 other dating sites, don't use any of their websites, they created 30 websites. I can not list so many website in this review. I hope people will read review of people before they start to use this site, I didn't read until now when I wanted to leave review, now I see that many people say this dating site is a scam created to cheat you for money. And they created 30 sites and not only one. They are international cheaters. If I spent 5K USD, how much money they took from thousands of people in 30 websites?

Date of experience: October 30, 2024