6 reviews for DateInAsia are not recommended
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18 reviews
9 helpful votes

Update 8-13-24 sending u viruses now
August 4, 2022

Update on DIA 8-13.24:
In the many years I have been a DIA member with maybe 100 different profiles, I have watched the site go from a good site with pretty women actually looking for dates to a $#*! site with mostly fat and fugly women with bad attitudes.

They send out viruses to your email when registering because the email provider advises you not to click on their registrtion url.

They are not sending you snippets of dating advice which mainly boils down to this: Don't try to get the ladies on another platform where you are not monitored and tracked because that automatically makes you a scammer. The only scammers are the morons running DIA. It's good it's free, no one in their right mind would pay for such a site.

Be sure to use adblock origin or similar ad blocking addon to deny these jerks payola. I advise new registrants to use Tor to login so they cannot easily track you. Use a throw away email account to register and filter out their spam. You have to be very careful what you say to the idiot, fake, scammer women on this site because all it takes is a few complaints and you are gone never to return again. That is why learning how to make fake profiles with this site is mandatory. Once they block you difficult to get back on unless you're expert. Foreigners are turning away from SEAsia for the hunt as it's getting to be as bad as USA. They are going to S. American instead. If you can find ANY dating site that is any good, jump on it. There are few to none, even the paid ones.

Update on DIA 1-3-23:
Let's see what's new? Still filled with ugly, fat females and now some feminist types. The Filipinas are now asking for replies from young age guys, not like before when "age didn't matter" (as long as your wallet is fat). The stupid admins still have these idiot traps to delete your account. For example if you use the work emale, meaning email, they will delete your account saying you are trying to hack their site! Sounds stupid right? That's the way the whole site is run. 90% of the women her are dishonest. They don't tell outright lies, although some do but they forget to tell you they have kids, they want someone to pay for their family (the majority). They are just dishonest and you cannot tell WHAT they are about. BE CAREFUL or you will get scammed, no doubt. Admins are anti-male and anti-straight male. If you post anything or message any of the lady boys who often don't tell you they are really men, you risk getting your account deleted. It is a Free site one of the very few but you get what you pay for. Unless you use an adblocker you will be bombarded with ads. The admins will not reply to any of your emails so forget about getting a blocked account unblocked. Won't happn 99 times out of 100. It's just a PITA to use and hard worth the effort. If you standards are super low and you willing to risk getting scammed or just wasting your time. Go for it. I posted this update because I came on site for another company review. Everyone who knows anything about dating sites already knows what a cr*p site DIA is.

Figured out they are using computer algorithms to profile your messages to other users and then delete your account if they don't like your attitude or message content. Be sure to get other contact info from your lady friends as you can count on them deleting your account for no reason. Always ask for cell phone number or other method of contact and save the woman's profile to your hard drive because YOUR NEXT on the account delete list. Run by idiot admins.

Date of experience: August 4, 2022
9 reviews
9 helpful votes

July 10, 2020

Looks like DIA is on it's
Last legs and to die soon.
The email below was sent to
The losers who run Date
InAsia website. They are
Begging users to find them
Additional users with a
Message to all current users
Asking for their help in
Recruiting new users. From
The looks of things they
Have VERY FEW male users
Now, mostly Filipino guys.
The women on the site have
Really turned into not
Attractive and/or fat ladies
With bad attitudes. I have
Been member on and off for
About 10 years and the site
Has really deteriorated over
Time. Here is my reply and
Their email address in case
You want to join in. They
Have one of the lowest user
Rated websites on
sitejabber.com. Don't take
My word for it, go to
sitejabber.com for a
Multitude of complaints.

To: team, postmast
Spam folder
In reply to your online
Request for users to
Recommend your site, I have
This to say:
I have been a member of DIA
On and off for like over 10
In that time I watched your
Site go from a good site to
Meet women to a crap site
Filled with ugly and fat
Ladies most of whom have a
Bad attitude. Why?
Read your user reviews on
sitejabber.com. Instead of
Recommending sites I
Actively tell people not to
Waste their time with your
Site. Why?
1) you are anti-male and
Delete accounts based on
Spurious accusations and
Bull$#*! algorithms making
Former users angry at you.
You allow females to break
The TOS but you are very
Strict with males. You allow
Females to have duplicate
Accounts, to post pix that
Violate TOS.
2) you allow homosexual men
Pretending to be women lie
And put their profiles in
The womens sections.
3) You're prudes: You don't
Allow photos except from the
Waist up making it
Impossible to eliminate fat
Pigs pretending to be slim.
Get a CLUE. Guys don't like
FAT women. You don't allow
Any sexual talk or profiles
That suggest that user is
Interested in sex primarily.
Even the word sex can get
You banned. BULL$#*!.
4) You're signup process is
A joke, filled with traps to
Disallow registration. THen
You won't even tell us what
The exact requirements are.
Takes a computer expert to
Re register once you are
Banned. BULL$#*!.
5) It's true your site is
Free, but that's not enough.
Free and worthless is
You don't answer emails from
Users having problems.
Essentially you treat users
Like crap and then have the
Audacity to ask them to
Recommend you.
6) I advise users of DIA to
Use a good ad block to deny
You ad revenue because you
Are such a PITA to deal
With. If I was not so bored,
I would not bother with your
Site. The women are mostly
Ugly, fat and bad attitudes.
I am a male with sincere and
Legitimate intentions but I
Am not your site's whipping
7) The way it is going I
Predict DIA will be gone
Soon. It won't be missed
8)btw I am NOT going to put
My real photo on your crap
Site. THe internet is filled
With nasty and dishonorable
People, not to mention the
Government. Not going to
Give them my photo AND guess
What I do not need to with
Your site.

Date of experience: July 10, 2020
1 review
8 helpful votes

February 11, 2019

WORST SITE EVER. Terrible, glitchy, constantly getting suspended for no reason, losing all connections made. WORST SITE EVER.

Date of experience: February 11, 2019
Viet Nam
1 review
9 helpful votes

It's trash site, they are collecting your data: email, phone, picture,... for some purpose
January 10, 2019

I just tried to register member this site, many times they just banned my account for so reason after 5 or 10 minutes registered succesfully. I tried to use different emails, phone numbers and even i used the vitual machine to access and register acccount with them, after 5 times they just banned my account for no reason. I did the search why it happened and got into this page. So, many people got same problem as i did. I assumed DIA owners are trying to collection our data such as email, phone number, pictures, even of we use mobile device to access their site, there is chance they will access date on our phone... for their purposes. Just becareful.

The first register 2 years ago and it was succesful i used that site for few months, suddently they banned my account too.
After a year more i still couldn't find any Vietnamese man I wanted look for a hope on that dating site again. And i got the reviews this site. I would have to speak up my mind:
In few months as member of that site: I didnt get nice serious conversation as i expected, most of they are asian men and directly asked for sex, some white men just directly told they just look for sex too.
Few nice men with nice talking and respect but they didnt look for serious relationship while I was single for too long and was old, really wanted to look for a date at least in hope.
My profile with real pictures and i didnt get many attention from men on that site. Just ugly old men shoot the hi hello hi baby hi cutie... to my inbox.

I had quick reading revews on here some people complained there are fake profiles, scammers, cheaters... I think because they were just attending on profiles with sexy pictures or the girls who dressed up, made up well in pictures... damnnn everyone says they dont care about looks they just care personalities of girls, but look... my real picture with normal dressing of an nerd IT girl I didnt get serious attentions of men on dating site. Some men commented on my pictures that i look so pity or they laughed at me and made bad joke on the picture which was taken in a wild island with a lot of trashs from ocean behind me in pictures,... The conversations just started in the ending, there was no one care about how life going on in(at least my country or his country) with economic growth, techno development, politic,... NO, NO ONE.
To there, the men complained about bad girls they met, you met them because yourself let it happens. They met what your expected in your imagining, you like all the signs that scammers, bad girls, fake girls own. Dont i say wrong?

The real girls like me, who are still single and maybe Alone Forever because we have no time to go to shopping often to dress well and make up well and actually we dont care much about it.
At early 20 I had to study and with a nerd looking i didnt have much chance to meet right guy to marry. At 30 years old and I'm still single, too old to find a right Viet man for marriage, most of they married already or they have problems or they are GAY or they are very weathy man who requires a model girl to marry, and all Viet men like tall good looking girl with dressing up well. I heard that Western men dont care much about looking or the background family(poor or rich) and i tried a chance on the dating site, hopefully the rate to get a dating will increase... result: LOL men on the world are the same: they like appearance, no one care about personalities first.
So frustrated... for my single status.

Date of experience: January 10, 2019
6 reviews
8 helpful votes

Also face account closure for no reason
August 26, 2018

I have also face the account closure for no apparant reason all i know is i never broken any of their terms i am using same computer and internet connection every time i am using the site always polite to members i chat with

I first came across this site way back in 2007 in fact i used to help the admins by combatting the scammers it used to be a good site back then admins friendly and not booting innocent users off

But now the admins and moderators are hypocrites there is so many pervert old men on that site asking young girls for naked photos yet when these pervert men are blocked and reported the admins do nothing its the same with young girls if they break the terms like posting their contact info on profiles or asking men for money or even going as far as setting up multiple accounts these girls seem to never get banned

It really looks like the admins and the moderators favor the rich old men and the young pretty girls, who knows maybe can go as far as to say the rich and old are slipping the admins a bit of cash under the table wouldnt be the first time websites been accused of such acts and one has to wonder how a free dating site can continue to operate and always updating software and only earning peanuts from google ads

It is real sad in fact they claim to fight scammers and abusers but yet they are allowing old men to pray on the young old men getting their holiday f**k with many young girls and ruining the girls lives

A perfect example of an old man meeting young on dateinasia was my ex who met a 50 year old had this girl 1 night in a hotel with all the fake promises of marriage and a future to find that the guy was screwing another girl few hours later this poor girl ended up pregnant and ruind and seem that the admins of dateinasia really dont care yes i admit the admins cannot do much to prevent perverts taking advantage of the young but at least the admins can try to be a bit more proactive in giving advice or dating tips and make more people aware of safety and such

But on the other hand there is plenty of gold diggers on the site its very hard to work out who is genuine or who is fake

Tho don't get me wrong there is some genuine girls on that site and a few genuine guys but it seems not so many and 1 less since they closed my account

But the reality is the site might have good security it may be an easy site to navigate but its admins and moderators are a joke the worst ever in fact if they are going to ban someone at least the admins can do is give a valid reason when a banned member contacts them it only takes a minute or 2 to be polite and reply but they dont even do that.

But again yes this site does close accounts for no reason or maybe its because the admins or moderators got jealous who knows maybe the girl i was chatting to before wanted a younger model and the moderators lost his next victim...

An Update

Thankfully since the admins do not delete or block contact information on profiles i have found a profile with a mobile phone number and asked the user to send a message on my behalf to the girl i was chatting to and now we are back in communications

So i got one over on dateinasia ( again) whats that saying if you cannot beat them join them

Date of experience: August 26, 2018
1 review
4 helpful votes

I can say for sure because preesent am still going...
February 10, 2014

I can say for sure because preesent am still going through the sign up,

Date of experience: February 10, 2014
6 reviews for DateInAsia are not recommended