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1 review
0 helpful votes

May 24, 2024

Happily awaiting my SECOND box from Daily Goodie box! Woo hoo. I got two items from there sister company "Try products" and I've had 1 AMAZING box veggie that was full of healthy snacks at first apon opening it even in my unboxing on Ticky toki Victoria (period mark) armas 7 I was bummed it was health foods but I actually ended up subscribing to receive 4 of them on one a 2 week basis and 2 a monthly basis and 1 a bi monthly basis however, I did get played out on one but my family and I are still happy with the 3 subscriptions I still continue to receive! Stacey's pita thins which I had tried in garlic and Herb( we get a variety pack twicea month, still to this day!), and "On the Eaten Path" rice,bean, and peas crisps I thought would be yuck but are SO GREAT, even the kids love them! Also birthdaycake covered raises soo yum! We get bi monthly still, and now A NEW BOX IS COMING expected June 8th-10th they said! I can't wait tune in to my thee grammm truly kind fairies of swfl 239 THANKS SO MUCH to DAILY GOODIE BOX IM SO EXCITED 😊🤗!

Tip for consumers:

Happily awaiting my SECOND box from Daily Goodie box!! Woo hoo. I got two items from there sister company "Try products" and I've had 1 AMAZING box veggie that was full of healthy snacks at first apon opening it even in my unboxing on Ticky toki Victoria (period mark) armas 7 I was bummed it was health foods but I actually ended up subscribing to receive 4 of them on one a 2 week basis and 2 a monthly basis and 1 a bi monthly basis however, I did get played out on one but my family and I are s

Products used:

Happily awaiting my SECOND box from Daily Goodie box!! Woo hoo. I got two items from there sister company "Try products" and I've had 1 AMAZING box veggie that was full of healthy snacks at first apon opening it even in my unboxing on Ticky toki Victoria (period mark) armas 7 I was bummed it was health foods but I actually ended up subscribing to receive 4 of them on one a 2 week basis and 2 a monthly basis and 1 a bi monthly basis however, I did get played out on one but my family and I are still happy with the 3 subscriptions I still continue to receive!! Stacey's pita thins which I had tried in garlic and Herb( we get a variety pack twicea month, still to this day!), and "On the Eaten Path" rice,bean, and peas crisps I thought would be yuck but are SO GREAT, even the kids love them!! Also birthdaycake covered raises soo yum!! We get bi monthly still, and now A NEW BOX IS COMING expected June 8th-10th they said! I can't wait tune in to my thee grammm truly kind fairies of swfl 239 THANKS SO MUCH to DAILY GOODIE BOX IM SO EXCITED 😊🤗!!

Date of experience: May 24, 2024